ADS and your gains
So I recently came back to PE and wanted to know what to expect from hanging all day with light weight. Similar to Monty and Xeno I have weights I’m wearing all day (12hrs or more) l. My current weight is 1lb and I stand and sit (but with a full hang) all day so there is a very small amount of time when there isn’t stress in the ligs. In addition I’m using the silistretcher all night. So that is on for 8hrs or more. In between for 30 minutes while I’m free I shower and in the shower I’m doing about 7-10 minutes five or take of manual PE so bundles up down left right straight out cranks ect loosening the ligs further before entering the silistretcher.
I can say that each morning (last 2 As I just started this) I’m hanging lower and the resistance of the stretcher is almost gone so I know Overnight I’m getting a solid stretch (not too much as it’s not the primary reason I’m wearing it it’s more of a keep myself elongated tactic but with some added Benefit if increase if the stretch from the day of hanging.
So again what are some typical gains with 1lb all day (12hrs) over 30-60-90 days ect? I know everyone is different but I’m just curious what to expect on a low and high end. TIA
Started 2/25/19 5.75” BPEL 4.75” EG
Current: 6” BPEL 4.75”EG
Goal: 7.5” BPEL and 5.5”EG