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Advice Gratefully Received On Skin Stretching!

Advice Gratefully Received On Skin Stretching!

Can anyone give me some sound information on the best ways to avoid too much skin stretching when hanging and what the optimum amount of time is. Im currently doing approx 1 hr hanging time and the biggest pain in the knob is skin stretching when hanging.
I use two hangers, each from Tom Hubbards site. I dont find the afb one that good but have success with the hose clamp hanger. I understand that a small amount of skin strectch is likely but I seem to have too much and often feel Im stretching the skin more than the ligaments etc. Any good advice much appreciated.




I don’t have experiece with the hangers you mentioned however where is your atachment point?

In the beginning skin stretch is needed for future gains so this is just a fact of hanging. However you should NEVER feel much discomfort while PEing.

Try maybe moving the hanger closer to the base and gradually moving toward the gland as time allows (a little closer each session).

Your skin stretch maybe a result of the type hanger you are using and in this case this advice may not help much.


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