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Skin stretching

Skin stretching

Okay, I’m going to start stretching the shaft skin, from just above where the scrotum connects to the shaft, which is about an inch from the circumcision scar.

Question, will increasing the skin from just there, get rid of turkey neck and scrotum skin from around the base.

Question 2, another exercise that seems like it might work is with a 80-100% erection you either put an OK grip, or just your finger tips around the same spot as above (inch from scar), and pull down as hard as you can without causing too much pain. Do you think this is a good exercise? More importantly, do you think it will have a negative effect on PE since you are sorta pulling the skin, glans, and possible penis back to the body?

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

Possibly even flaccid, and OK grip over the glans, and OK grip over the ‘spot’, and pull and stretch. Don’t know if that is good for the glans though.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

Question, will increasing the skin from just there, get rid of turkey neck and scrotum skin from around the base.

Answer, no.


So what would need to be done?

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

41 threads since 2002 with the words “turkey neck” in the title, Mr. Lundgren. You may find an answer there.

GM suggests surgery as the only real solution, but GM doesn’t mind the turkey neck action.


I used search, hence the exercise discoveries.

So I was looking for more specific help.

Thanks for the help though.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

Depending on how high up your turkey neck is, yes expanding your skin will help alleviate the turkey neck. However, you need to make sure that the skin you are expanding is from an area above where the turkey neck ends on the underside of your shaft. Position your grip accordingly. You can see how high up it goes by viewing your erect penis in side profile. It will definitely help pubic skin being pulled onto the bottom part of your shaft. I am mainly focusing on FR (foreskin restoration) and both my turkey neck and pubic/scrotal pull have decreased in the 2+ years I have been doing it.

- Chris

Thank you.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

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