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skin stretching with bib starter

skin stretching with bib starter

I have been hanging with my Bib Starter for approximately 2 1/2 weeks now and have gained about .25 of an inch. But when I lower the weights, I see my skin stretch down alot, and then I feel the burn. Is this buring my skin or is it my ligs? I’ve gained .25, so I must be doing something right. Ive messed around with different tightness settings, but still see the same thing with my skin.

Have a mess with your wrapping to? Every problem with the BIB seems to come down to wrapping. But hey .25” in two weeks; if it ain’t broke…

Yeah, it took me about 10 months to finally figure out the right wrapping set-up. As far as your pain, we can’t tell you what you are feeling- a little difficult to explain with text. Take your penis and pull on it from opposite ends and on the shaft. Don’t grab the head but the ends of the shaft. Your skin will become tight, pull more and you will start to feel like the skin is going to separate. OUCH! That is skin pain. Lig pain is more of a dull burning feeling under the skin, usually best felt after a long hanging session of heavy weight, right after you take off the weight. Like I said it is difficult to describe. How much are you hanging?

Some guys lift weights, I hang 'em!

If after 2.5 weeks you’ve permanently gained .25 of an inch you must be Jesus.

Because then you only really need to PE for 4 months and then you’re set for life.

-Borat, thinks everyone could use results like that

Originally Posted by Borat
If after 2.5 weeks you’ve permanently gained .25 of an inch you must be Jesus.

Because then you only really need to PE for 4 months and then you’re set for life.

-Borat, thinks everyone could use results like that

It’s actually .75 from last measurment on 12/11, 6 to 6.25 top BPEL and 6.75 side BPEL. So that’s about 2 1/2+ months of PE. And I don’t know if it’s permanent because I had family in town over the holidays, and was unable to PE for about 3 weeks, and I measured myself during one of my jerk off sessions. I had lost about .25 when I measured. I have been trying to incorporate things from into my hanging. Truth be told, I never really follow suggested routines by people, so I don’t know if I’m exactly doing things right. But hey, a gain is a gain, right?

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