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Passive Stretching with Bib Starter

Passive Stretching with Bib Starter

O.K., enough of this lurking crap. Time to give back.

I own both BIB Hangers, and after numerous arguments with the gf about my hang time, I came up with this idea.

First I took a velcro/foam rubber wrist strap from an S&M that kit we don’t use much. This is my kneestrap. It has a round key ring attached to it. To the key ring I attached a small but thick spring. I attached a clip to the spring which

I attached to the hanger. I guesstimate this to be about a 6-8 lbs. stretch. I put

on some baggy house pants and kick back in the recliner.

Then yesterday I go by my friends house to watch football. I throw on some

painters pants. I put the knee strap on and I attach the S hook to the key ring and the hanger hangs down by my calf, hidden by the baggy pants. Throw some wrap in my pocket and I can go into any bathroom stall in the world and and get a good stretch. Hell, I’m at work and got it on right now. After doin 2 sets of 17 lbs. I logged in 3.5 hours Sat. and 9.5 Sun. Off an on, of course.

I’m going to experiment with a turn buckle or something to give me a 10 lb stretch. I’m even gonna get another starter and modify it to make it a little more compact. Oh yeah, this worked the best on the recliner. Great stretch.

Ahhhhh…..No more bitchin!!!!!!



Wow, I wish I understood exactly what you are doing, but I just cannot see it in my mind. SWM might be interested in this.

>and the hanger hangs down by my calf, hidden by the baggy pants.<

So, you don’t wear it all the time? The hanger is just ‘stored’ there?

If you don’t mind, can you throw in a little more description?

BTW, do you have any gains yet?



O.k. Instead of carrying the hanger around in my pocket, I put the kneestrap on and hang the S hook on the round key ring. This is only where I store it in between sets or when I want to go in or out of the bathroom. Every 20 or 30 minutes. I rest the skids on my right leg when thee kneestrap is on the right. When it’s on my left I have less problems cause all the bolts are on the right. Its a little uncomfortable at work right know. But kicking back in the recliner it’s more like a 10-12 lb. stretch. I use a very small thick spring that’s hard to open up so it doesn’t catch on my skin. Had to shave the hair off the sides of my legs. I just started this 2 days ago so I’m still experimenting. It may sound like a pain but it works like hell. Allready seeing a difference in flacid.

Started with the orig. BIB in July 6.5 NBPE & 5.875 Girth

Now 7.0 NBPE Girth…..not sure but it huge, so says the GF. Girth has never been a problem but I think this is where most of growth is. Size seems to fluctuate, so I don’t crazy with the ruler.

Gonna buy another starter and modify by cutting down some of the bottom bolts etc. etc. If that’s O.K.

Bib, thanks for selling a kick ass product and then personally backing it up!

Very rare nowadays. Must be a real pain.



I got it now. Have you ever thought of just lightly wrapping and staying that way: Instead of carrying your wrap in your pocket?

If you wrap too tight, your head will really swell and it can become uncomfortable. But if lightly wrapped, all you would have to do is just attach the hanger and go.

Those are good gains. What time frame have you worked. I really appreciate the feedback.

I have modified a couple of hanger for guys. If you tell me what you need, I can ship it that way.



Yes, I do stay wrapped. But every 2 hours or so I re-wrap.

My time frame of hanging was sporadic due to work, family etc. Maybe only 3 or

4 hours per week. Some weeks not at all due to the bitching. Now I hope my gains take off with this method. This is much better than the condom stretcher I own. This is stonger and doesn’t fall off.

I’ve all ready modifed the starter by replacing the 2” bottom screws with 1.25”

srews. I put regular nuts on instead of the wing nuts and replaced the white beads with round headed push nuts. Alot more comfortable now.

I was going to buy another starter and saw off .5” or .625” off the front bottom part, eliminating the front bottom srew. Then I was going to get another hinge and try to move the back screw underneath or a little behind the top screw. So both the top screw and bottom screw would line up. I was also going to remove the padding and take out the strap screws and replace them with a round head bolt, going in from the outside. Man, I know this sounds like alot and you are busy as hell. I was just gonna experiment. Not even sure this will work. Let me know. Hell, I’ll pay much extra. No hurry with the holidays coming up.

Six months I scoffed at this. Now I’m a believer.



Couple things. You know I worked on this thing for months and months. I learned a few things. Kind of like hard and fast rules that cannot be broken. Other things that can be worked around.

First, it will be tough to eliminate one of the bolts. The hanger must be absolutely solid. No bending or pivot points. That is why it has three pressure points. A triangle. Only two would allow it to pivot.

Second, whatever hinge is used, it must be extremely tight. No wobble whatsoever. This is the only hinge that I found that fits the bill. I looked at hundreds. It is tight but not too sturdy, so I added mending braces. Without the mending braces, once again, not sturdy enough. It gives causing slippage and pain.

The strap screws can be replaced with 1” screws instead of 1.25. But I don’t know how you would put on the nut inside the hanger.

Think about the above and get back to me.



Yeah, I see what you mean. One wrong pull and the hanger would pivot up or down.Thanks for saving me the time and insanity. O.K. I’ll just stick with what I got.This works pretty good. Stretch all day and do a couple heavy sets at night. Then stretch a little more while on the recliner. So far no discoloration, bruising. or e.d.

I’ll let you know the results in a month or two.

Stay Well


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