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Bib starter or reg model?

Bib starter or reg model?

Here’s the deal I have been reading the occasional post that Bib is considering “hanging-up” the buisness. This Brings up the question of which hanger will not only fit and work properly for me at present, but meet future needs. My current measurements are 6.25” x 5.25” NBP. Flaccid hang (after 5 min manual stretching) 4” from shaft base to base of head, I add this measurement because I know the hanger needs to be 1” from the head. How much skin stretch is necessary, and what is the determining point between needing the starter vs regular Bib hanger. I have approx 1” skin stretch or more when erect and a little more when flaccid, provided I’m doing it right. How do you measure skin stretch?

Just want to get some varied opinions one which hanger will best suit me now and possibly BEYOND my goal of 8” x 6.25”,anything more would be icing on the cake. I don’t know if my current measurements are a little too small for the regular hanger to fit and work properly, but then I think I may out-grow the starter later down the road after achieving my goal size and then decide to keep pushing forward (positive thinking here) at which point Bib may not be making hangers anymore. Should I get the starter model or the regular Bib hanger????


>My current measurements are 6.25” x 5.25” NBP. Flaccid hang (after 5 min manual stretching) 4” from shaft base to base of head, I add this measurement because I know the hanger needs to be 1” from the head. How much skin stretch is necessary, and what is the determining point between needing the starter vs regular Bib hanger. I have approx 1” skin stretch or more when erect and a little more when flaccid, provided I’m doing it right. <

Really good questions. When you wrap, you stretch the penis by the head to pull out as much as you can. So the flaccid hang is not really relevant. Then the wrapping holds it out while you attach the hanger. You probably have enough length when stretched to get the regular on. But, the learning curve will be a little tougher than with the Starter. It looks like you have enough skin that the Starter would not help in that area a whole lot.

>How do you measure skin stretch? <

This is the first I have heard of anyone measuring the amount of loose skin. Usually, I simply ask if it is tight, or if there is a lot to work with. You know, some guys skin is very tight. Just no movement at all. Others are very loose. They can grab at the base and push to the head. One inch of movement is probably about average.

>I don’t know if my current measurements are a little too small for the regular hanger to fit and work properly, but then I think I may out-grow the starter later down the road after achieving my goal size and then decide to keep pushing forward (positive thinking here) at which point Bib may not be making hangers anymore. Should I get the starter model or the regular Bib hanger???? <

If you were going to get one right now, the Starter would probably give you better service. Another option would be to make a hanger that fits you for now. Try out hanging to see if you like it. Maybe gain some length. Then, buy a regular a little later if you wish. From all indications, I am probably not going to get out of this deal too quickly. Unless I can come up with something. You should have time to make one and try it out.

Hopefully, some other guys can give you better direction. Many guys have both hangers. Some with your dimensions. They would be the best ones to advise you.


still looking for some more opinions guys.

thanks for your input Bib, it is very helpful. Be looking for my order soon, just waiting for a little more advice from some of the vet hangers to help me decided which hanger model to order.

My flaccid size is hanging 4.5 by 4.375. Perpendicular without pulling it is 4” from the base to the tip of the head. I guess pulling it out gently it is approx 4 inches from the base to the beginning of the head nbp and not tugging too hard. I used the old hanger (since there was no other model). I was able to use it fine. I got the newer model but injured myself and was not able to use it. I did not hurt myself from hanging (too long of a story). Anyway, my point is that you see my size and know that I was able to use the old hanger just fine. After I got the hang of it I had no problems at all. You just have to wrap all the way to the base and put the hanger on there.



I haven’t used the starter model , so I’m not qualified to comment on that but the orginal hanger would work for you as well. Right now I’m at aprox. 7 enbp and will try the starter in the next 30 days.

My sense is you could go either way maybe try original and when funds become available pickup the starter too. What I’m thinking is that the starter would still get the job done with less risk of movement toward the gland.

I don’t know if there is a correlation between area of attachment vs area stressed or if this is even applicable from a gains standpoint. The point being orginal model attachs over a greater area while the starter covers a small area. Consequnetly would this stress the tunica more and then again is this where the intial gains come from anyway.


Last edited by ledzep : 02-14-2002 at .
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