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AFB Hanger

AFB Hanger

To the guys that uses the AFB hanger:

I have decided to hang minimum one and a half hours every day with the AFB hanger, Followed by a few hours with my extender and a little jelqing in the evening.

I have a few problems with the hanger:

1. On some sets I get mostly skin stretch, And on some sets I get a good internal stretch, I guess that this will solve itself when I get a little more experienced with hanging and wrapping?

2. The more weight I use the more skin stretch I get.

3. I get quite sore after hanging, Internal sore and a little skin sore. I am actually sore the next day also.

Also I am not able to hang more than 4 kilos SO, And I am tightening the hanger to the point that my penis is no more than 1 cm thick when looking down on it. Will I be able to hang more weight as time goes or is there something I am doing wrong here?

A little skin soreness can’t be avoided with any hanger, but because the sides are smooth it will be minimal. You could look into using a different wrap, some perform better than others. The internal soreness is usually a good thing.

When the hanger is attached fairly tight you will have less skinstretch which means more of the weight is taken by the tunica/ligs. So you will need less weight to hang with compared to with skinstretch.

I’ve hung more than 10kg in the past but that was with skinstretch, if I hang SO without skinstretch 6 kilo feels like I’m ripping out my penis. So 4kg could definately be a good weight to hang with.

After some time of having hung with an AFB your skin will become conditioned to it and your tunica will allow more tightening with even less skinstretch as result.

Thank you for your help Piet.

The soreness is mostly from the front edge of the wooden plates, I have actually teiped pieces of neoprene to the wooden plates also around the edges, And I believe that this helps a little with the soreness.
I am using a piece of a cotton t-shirt as wrapping, Do you have any better options?

When I attach the wrap I try to pull back a little foreskin, But still have some skin covering around half the glands, Is this the way you do it also? I tighten it till it hurts and my penis is flat.

I can hang 3 kilos without skinstretch, 4 kilos with a little skinstretch, I tried 6 kilos and that felt like it was only skinstretch, So I am sticking to 4 kilos. Do you think that 4 kilos for 1,5 hours a day is enough to see
some good length gains? (I have been using an extender for almost 1300 hours at 1,2-1,5 kilos and have not gained EL from this for months only a little FSL).

Yes I guess I have to experiment a little and hang some more, It takes time to get used to these things, It took me 300 hours to get used to the extender :)

There are a few posts about hanging weight, And a lot of people says that the gains starts at 15-20 pounds, Is this true, Or is it possible to gain with less weight?

Also I seem to remember you posting about having modified your AFB hanger? Do you have a link to this modification?

Has anyone actually gained penis length or width or even both using any of these stretching strategies

For a long time I used a sock or half a sock for wrapping, but that comes from the time when I still needed cushioning for the ridges I had on previous hangers. When I finally switched to a strip of cotton from shirt I was surprised by the comfort. I like it. I haven’t been able to try the HTW yet but I plan on trying out a rubber version taken from a bicycle innertire.

I got plenty of foreskin to leave my glans covered while hanging SO without skinstretch. Where I place my hanger I can tighten it as much as I can without feeling any pain. There’s some initial discomfort when I start tightening but after pulling once or twice it’s gone.

3kg sounds like a good weight to start hanging with for you then if you still want more you can add 0.5kg after a week or so till you find the right weight.

Some people may need 15-20lbs to start gaining from hanging, but it’s different for everybody. Also most cut guys at this forum can’t avoid hanging with some tension on their skin and they will need more weight for the same effect.

I’ve been working on a better version of the AFB like hanger I’m using. I will post about it when I’m done ;)

Hey piet, I was looking at the afb hanger, and do not understand how it stays on your penis. Can you explain that to me. I see how it hangs, and I get the idea, but how do those two boards stay on your penis?

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Just answered your pm, I didn’t know you posted it too. here’s a copy and paste:

Hi gameofinches, first off now I write your name I see it has nothing to do with fishes hehe, my bad. Now to your question. Perhaps I should add some extra drawings when I have some time to make it more clear. To get a better understanding of how it works look at this drawing by Gray:

Although it would be the easiest to hang from the glans as it sticks out it’s not recommanded because it’s too soft compared to your tunica and you could damage your nerves. You want to hang from your tunica only, which can be done by using the end of the CC’s as a stopper. When you attach the hanger below the glans (with inside the end of the CC’s) it may slide a little because of foreskin but then it’s stopped by the not compressed end. When done right the hanger may even touch your glans but it won’t put any tension on it.



I was what we would call an “easy gainer” for my first 2-3 months of PE, I noticed my first gain after 6 days, And I gained almost 1” in erect length, Almost 1” in base girth, And 1/2” in mid shaft girth during the first few months. So yes it is possible to gain from an extender/the newbie routine, The problem for me is that for the last months I have only gained flaccid stretched length and no erect length, And that is why I have started hanging, To gain 1/2-1” more in erect length.


If you consider starting hanging later on, I would recommend you to try out the AFB hanger, It took me 10 minutes to make it, It has to the easiest to make and less expensive hanger that is.

It probably just takes some time to get used to.

Originally Posted by Piet
For a long time I used a sock or half a sock for wrapping, but that comes from the time when I still needed cushioning for the ridges I had on previous hangers. When I finally switched to a strip of cotton from shirt I was surprised by the comfort. I like it. I haven’t been able to try the HTW yet but I plan on trying out a rubber version taken from a bicycle innertire.

I got plenty of foreskin to leave my glans covered while hanging SO without skinstretch. Where I place my hanger I can tighten it as much as I can without feeling any pain. There’s some initial discomfort when I start tightening but after pulling once or twice it’s gone.

3kg sounds like a good weight to start hanging with for you then if you still want more you can add 0.5kg after a week or so till you find the right weight.

Some people may need 15-20lbs to start gaining from hanging, but it’s different for everybody. Also most cut guys at this forum can’t avoid hanging with some tension on their skin and they will need more weight for the same effect.

I’ve been working on a better version of the AFB like hanger I’m using. I will post about it when I’m done ;)

Piet, Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

I will stick with the cotton wrap then.

Seems like I am doing this right then, It probably just takes time to get used to hanging.

Not sure that I understand, Do you mean that it is better to hang less weight without skin stretch, Than more weight with skin stretch? Like a lot of hangers could drop their weight, Hang without skin stretch and get the same or better gains from it? It does make sense, The stress will be on the internal structures instead of on the skin, Who needs more skin right?

Looking forward to your new improved version :)

One more question for you, The most important one:

I kind of had two options, Start hanging seriously, Or take a decon break, I chose hanging off course :)

When should I expect to see some gains from hanging? I mean for how long should I hang with out seeing gains before taking a decon break?

Originally Posted by kristian69
When should I expect to see some gains from hanging? I mean for how long should I hang with out seeing gains before taking a decon break?

I would like to know that too but I don’t think there’s a clear answer to that. If nothing is happening after 1-2 months you probably need to change something either take a break, more weight or more time.

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