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another option for wrapping and attachment

another option for wrapping and attachment

OK maybe this might help with the issue of wrapping and attaching the bib hanger.

I have been hanging for eight monthes the last the past 5 with the bib hanger and had ZERO problem or discomfort associated with the wrap or attachment.

This is what I do—

Step1- a little baby powder on junior

Step2- using a piece of a white gym sock wrap about twice
around from the base to an inch or two PAST the head

Step3- wrap with Thermaband in a simliar fashion an inch or 2
PAST the head

Note: I use a one piece wrap to avoid the barber pole type wrapping

secure with a little duct tape and then attach the hanger close to the base.Then the hang is on but not tight a little pull on the head to get the alignment and kinks out then slowly tighten making secure to avoid any pinching on the top.

When the hanger is tight and the weight is attached and hanging I cannot see my penis head. the wrap is a good 2-3 inches past the head.

Using this method I have hung alot of weight for a long time with no circulation issues,and no discomfort and in the process gained 3/4 of an inch in length.

As always this works for me it may not work for others but if your still having issues with the wrap and attachment maybe give it a try.


Can you address the skin stretch isssue, please? Is it a problem for you? Any extra?

Since you started, have you tried going back to an inch or so behind the head? If so, did you feel more pressure on the ligs? Do you feel much stress on the shaft (tunica) attaching where you do?

This is very interesting. You have had good gains with a unique system.



Can you address the skin stretch isssue, please? Is it a problem for you? Any extra?

I’m cut and I don’t really have any extra skin out of the ordinary. I feel the skin stretch primarily at the base on top and off to the sides. I don’t think I have any issues related to skin being to tight or to loose.

Since you started, have you tried going back to an inch or so behind the head? If so, did you feel more pressure on the ligs? Do you feel much stress on the shaft (tunica) attaching where you do?

I’m at an inch behind the head now the only difference I see is that the wrap hangs over the head a couple 3 inches I think this eliminates the potential for excess wrap bunching up behind the gland. And all the issues related to that.

The pressure is pure ligs top of penis with some shaft.

IMO I’m doing everything you are proposing the ONLY difference is that when I wrap I cover the head with a couple of inches of wrap. This way the front edge of the hanger and the front edge of the wrap aren’t sharing the same area. If you think about it it’s the same principle you sharing with the wrap being behind the front end of the hanger only in reverese.

This is very interesting. You have had good gains with a unique system.

I just don’t articulate very well just picture a “standard” wrap job only with the cloth and theraband extending past the head. The method of wrapping is NOT “barber pole” where you use 1.5x 18” strip but rather one piece that I wrap like a burrito.

Same wrap material, same attachment point (1 inch behind head),only difference instead of starting the wrap from just behind the head and wrapping down to the base with a thin strip of material I wrap the whole penis in one motion from the base to 1 to 2 inches past the head with a larger portion of wrap. The wrap material measures 7x6 on the cloth and 10x6.5 on thermaband.

Hope this makes sense because it works well for me. If you need any more clarification please ask.

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