Another question about the bibhanger
So I’ve been hanging. But I’ve noticed something that I think is a problem. I feel that the hanger is applying more force to my skin that to the internal structures of the penis. When the hanger is applied and hanging, what tends to happen is the hanger bunches up my shaft skin up behind the penis glans. So it appears that more force is being applied to the skin than the inner penis structure.
To make this clearer, imagine I’m stretching my penis out with a OK grip using my pointer and thumb. I can avoid most of the skin and grab right behind the glans and pull out, almost like I’m pulling on the head itself. But lets say I grabbed the middle of my penis and pulled out. Then what happens is the skin I’m gripping slides along the penis, and thus less force is applied to the inter structure themselves.
Maybe this is whats supposed to happen? Let me know your thoughts on this!