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Another Scientifc Question for BIB (hot wrap warm-up)

Another Scientifc Question for BIB (hot wrap warm-up)

Hey BIB i know you’re probably busy building haners, but here goes a couple warm up questions……..

1.Do you hot wrap or do any other warm-up activity before the actual hanging “workout”?

2.if you do, doesn’t this seem counterproducitve to the state we want the shaft in for hanging (i.e. flaccid)? The warmth would obviusly increase circulation to a certain degree and possible make you larger (partial erection)…..

3. To maximize the effectiveness of the BIB hanger and to make sure we are “clamping” as much ligs only and not skin, and other tissues….what if we “COLD WRAPPED” b4 a hang session, in order to shrink erectile tisse as small possible so the clamp would be in contact with as much ligs as possible?

4.After warming up if you do, do you jump right in to your max weight or do you “warm up” like in weight lifting?? with a smaller weight or incremental weights……..

thanks in advance



>1.Do you hot wrap or do any other warm-up activity before the actual hanging “workout”? <

I don’t hang anymore. I used to hot wrap for five to ten minutes before starting. Hot coffee mug works good.

>2.if you do, doesn’t this seem counterproducitve to the state we want the shaft in for hanging (i.e. flaccid)? The warmth would obviusly increase circulation to a certain degree and possible make you larger (partial erection)….. <

I never had a problem with erections and hanging. I have heard of some guys having this problem. I guess after a while, my dick knew what was going to happen and behaved.

I always thought it was best to warm up first because a heated tissue will stretch easier and farther than a cold tissue. Cold tissues will tear easier.

>3. To maximize the effectiveness of the BIB hanger and to make sure we are “clamping” as much ligs only and not skin, and other tissues….what if we “COLD WRAPPED” b4 a hang session, in order to shrink erectile tisse as small possible so the clamp would be in contact with as much ligs as possible? <

I have no idea.

>4.After warming up if you do, do you jump right in to your max weight or do you “warm up” like in weight lifting?? with a smaller weight or incremental weights…….. <

I ususally tried to get to my max as quickly as possible. Sometimes it would take a set.


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