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any returns from lot theory in practice?

any returns from lot theory in practice?

Hey all! I have been out of it for a while. I just moved and am in the process of building a house. Its been 6 months and no hanging. I left just when the LOT thread got started and still don’t understand it due to 1000000 posts and development in that thread. Has anyone benefited from the LOT theory ? What exactly does it determine and how do I determine my LOT again? Sorry for the repeat of the discussion but I wanted to get clarification. Im a little disappointed. For the last 6 months I have tried everything PE. I have pumped with great pumps, Bought the Power Jelq and it broke , Manual Jelg, Dry Jelq, Squeezes . No returns except for Hanging a little. I think I have the strongest d**k in the world. SO Im just trying to focus for when I can start hanging again. Patients I keep telling myself.



LOT determines where your ligs are taking the stress of the pull when you are doing a manual stretch or hanging at any given angle. It gives you an idea of how tight your ligs are and how much you might stand to gain from stretching them. If your LOT is high, your ligaments are tight and you can gain from sretching them. If your LOT is low, you’ll want to work on stretching the tunica because your ligaments are not tight enough to get significant gains from stretching them. As far as how you test to find your LOT, stand up (or lay down, just keep your back straight) and pull your penis out as far as it will go (don’t pull with much force) and kegel. Start at the highest position and work your way down the clock increments until you don’t see the glans reacting to your kegel. The point at which the glans does not pull back towards your body when you kegel is your LOT. I probably did a shitty job, but that is the best I can explain it. Did you do any manual stretching for the past 6 months?

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

Thanks for the reply!, ok lets see Im about 5:00 or more if straight down is 6:00. As for manual stretching, very little now. I like hanging much better. I have gained about 1/2 inch from hanging I’m estimating from hanging.

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