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Any vacuum hangers worth trying


Any vacuum hangers worth trying

I’ve been looking into vacuum hangers but haven’t settled on anything. anyone have a fave setup??

DLD just released one (silistretcher), monkeybar has auto extender and then there’s the LG. I don’t know about DLD’s it’s new but I’ve tried just about every other vac hanger out there and the LG is the best I’ve tried. Definitely learn different ways to tape the glans and go for hour sets instead of focusing on heavy weights early on.

My MaxVac Setup Longerstretch's Golf Weight and HTW setup My Log

Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG 04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG... On and Off again for a while... 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6 10/01/19 BPEL 8.19 x 5.6

LG is top of the game. I had doubts about paying so much but it’s more than worth it.

Vacuum ADS vs Vacuum hangers

When contemplating the purchase of a vacuum hanger be sure to understand the distinctions. The new sillistretcher on MOS really isn’t a vacuum hanger, it’s a vacuum ADS (all day stretcher)

Anything that is incapable of handling 8 lbs of more is really just an ADS. Anything that uses a knee strap, ankle strap or waist band attachment is an ADS.

I personally consider an ADS as a good supplemental device used after a heavier weight hanging session in order to keep a mild amount of traction on your flaccid penis while you recover.

I was going to add that although I won’t be hanging this kind of weight soon, I tested 10kg (22lbs) and was very surprised it held no issue.

My vote goes to LG hanger. Great quality and build.

I’ve been hanging LG with 13lbs for 2 hours straight no breaks for the past couple weeks or so. I’ve done 2.5 hours once before, no problems. For me, the toughest part of hanging isn’t the time it takes - it’s dialing in which wrapping works best for the sake of going heavy but staying comfortable.

I can’t really imagine a more comfortable vac hanger and am very satisfied.

What’s your current wrapping technique?

My MaxVac Setup Longerstretch's Golf Weight and HTW setup My Log

Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG 04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG... On and Off again for a while... 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6 10/01/19 BPEL 8.19 x 5.6

I also am a fan of the LG but I never saw results from hanging personally that drove me to purchase the LG.

My set up and it was ridiculous comfortable and never had any blisters:
RJx cap system, solid suction to hold up to 25 lbs for 30 plus minute sets.
I didn’t workout with this weight, just tested to see if it would do it. My max workout weight was 19 lbs for 60 minute sets.
I love the SiliCap. This became a deal changer for me. I had used the Phallosan caps but my glans started to get tough and sand paper-y. SiliCap fixed that.
Lastly, if you are going to be hanging over 15 lbs I believe you need the LG sleeves.
They are an amazing sleeve for the vac hanging set up and will handle the load better then all the other sleeves I have tried.

Good luck

First redneck to say the phrase, “hold my beer while I go and microwave my unit for a bit”

Mike, is that a DIY system you’re mentioning there?

Originally Posted by Mike03016
RJx cap system, solid suction to hold up to 25 lbs for 30 plus minute sets..

Who makes the RJx?

Glans protective wrap

Originally Posted by SownAmongThorns
I’ve been hanging LG with 13lbs for 2 hours straight no breaks for the past couple weeks or so. I’ve done 2.5 hours once before, no problems. For me, the toughest part of hanging isn’t the time it takes - it’s dialing in which wrapping works best for the sake of going heavy but staying comfortable.

I can’t really imagine a more comfortable vac hanger and am very satisfied.

There’s lot’s of ways to protect your glans while hanging. There is no right or wrong way, it’s only a matter of preference. I always suggest a little trial and error experimentation to see what works best for you. As you progress in your hanging experience, how you wrap can change.
I personally prefer to use one 2” piece of microfoam tape across the front of my glans, positioned lengthwise with your penis, covering the urethra opening. Followed with a 7-10” length of Tender Tape. Start wrap about 1” below glans, and wrap in a spiral fashion like you would a baseball bat handle. Wrap fairly snug and then fold the end over and squeeze as you mold it to the shape of your penis.

Nothing will completely eliminate the potential blister, so it’s very important to recognize the red flag warning that a blister is beginning to form. It’s a subtle tingly / itchy sensation on the end of your penis. If at any time you feel that, stop your hang session and you’ll likely avoid a blister, or at worse have a very small one that disappears within a day.

Very pleased to hear you find our vac hanger to be the most comfortable! The primary reason is because of the depth of our chambers being 2 1/4”. Which allows the pull to come from the shaft and not the glans.

RJx an average cap that actually hold a great vacuum.
I got mine from amazon and it came with the belt, leg strap, extender, and the hanging attachments.
Think I paid like $90 and have used it shit loads.
Also paid hundreds for an X4 and used it less then 10 hours total… so all in all I was/am a fan of the RJx.
It is also available on EBay… believe it is imported as the Size Master Pro.

Anyway, that cap with an LG Hanger sleeve is the combo I am still using.

First redneck to say the phrase, “hold my beer while I go and microwave my unit for a bit”

RJx cap

Took a look at the RJx website. Looked at all the photos. Typical Chinese injection molded cap that’s shallow.
Everyone knows the only negative side effect that vacuum hanging poses is the potential for a blister. The best ways to avoid blisters is to your make sure the attachment pull comes from the shaft and not the glans. That means the depth of the cap / chamber has to go well beyond the glans. Another factor in blister prevention is to make certain your system uses a hand pump that measures Hg pressure. It’s extremely easy to exceed 10 Hg’s of vacuum pressure with mouth or bulb extraction, because you just don’t know how much actual vacuum you’re using. The volume of space inside the cup / chamber is so small that 10 Hg’s of vacuum pressure is like a babies breath. Using more Hg vacuum pressure is one of the biggest causes of blisters. Last of all shallow / short caps limit your ability to hang more weight.

There are always PE veterans with multiple years of training who’ve developed a certain degree of tissue conditioning that the vast majority men engaged in a PE weight hanging routine don’t have. Just like a major league baseball player knows how to avoid being hit with that 95 mph fastball that’s coming in head high, they are rare exceptions.

Technically, just about all PE equipment is cheaply made foreign stuff (some just charge a whole lotta $ for selling it).
LG is one of the very few exceptions.

I agree it (RJx) is cheap but it actually holds a really good vacuum and put one of your sleeve on it, add a SiliCap to protect the glans and you can easily hang 25 lbs for 30 minute sets.
Me personally, I wasn’t willing to do a routine with over 19 lbs for 10+ hours a week. Figured if that didn’t give me gains then I need to change routines, and that is what I did.

But the cap itself, I have used for two years for extending, ADS, hanging, and now light weight US routine.
For $90 it has been a great value after I paid hundreds and hundreds for crap that broke and couldn’t do what it was advertised to do.

End of the day, if I was going to focus on hanging heavy weights as my primary means of PE, I would most likely look at investing in one of your systems, hence why I always say so whenever the topic is brought up.

And LG is also correct about the conditioning part, with almost all of my initial PE being in a vac cup (Phallosan Forte) I am sure that definitely added to the conditioning of the glans for a big part of the blister protection.

First redneck to say the phrase, “hold my beer while I go and microwave my unit for a bit”

Last edited by Mike03016 : 12-21-2019 at .
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