I often use plain Thera when wrapping for girth, but I like some cloth underneath for hanging. I don’t spiral my wrap, so the leading edge is several layers thick and rigid enough to be uncomfortable if it digs into the skin. I unwrap between sets. Peeling Thera off the skin isn’t bad once but causes irritatation when done repeatedly.
>If others do not wrap over the head and hang, then just how do you wrap and still hang correctly?
I used to have to wrap over the head to prevent twisting. I don’t know what changed, but it hasn’t been necessary for a long time now. Twisting is still a problem the few times I’ve tried hanging without any wrap.
I use a strip of thin but dense sweatshirt, about 10-12” long and close to 2” wide. The first turn, especially the edge nearest the head, needs to be somewhat loose. No spiraling, just wrap it around. Then I use a similar strip of gray Thera maybe 1/8” back from the front of the sweatshirt. It’s wrapped the same way, but a little tighter. I don’t bother with tape because I like to unwrap between sets. I hold the edge down to keep it from coming undone as I attach the hanger.
The front of my wrap is usually 3/4” to 1” behind the head. It has to be far enough back to allow enough skin to partially ride over the head when the weight is applied. Either that, or wrap over the head. Leave plenty of skin between or none. If only a little is exposed the leading edge of the wrap will pinch it against the head - not good.