Thanks guys, I was very concerned, I think there are probably very few here that aren’t guilty
of the “more = more” thinking that can happen so easily with PE.
Especially when 8” seems so damn close and attainable.
Only 1/2” away.
After what happened, I’m worried it’s going to be a real tough 1/2” to get, maybe 7.5” is my first plateau,
if it is, it is, but I’ll stay positive.
Hobby, those are the same questions I’ve been asking myself.
I think the only way to know for sure, is to go back to my previous routine and set length time.
If gains continue as before, than for me at least, I would have to conclude doing what I did was a big no-no.
As to why, that will always be anyone’s guess I believe.
Cap, though your absolutely right about measuring too frequently, I find I’m a bit compulsive about it.
I usually do two days on, and 2-3 days off, measuring at either the beginning of the third day off or end of it,
but because I had deviated radically from my usual sessions, I decided to take a sneak peak.
It’s probably way too often, but the ruler beckons,
“Use me, here I am, just pick me up, measure, measure, MEASURE…MUHAHAHAHAHAHAA”
I have to master BTC hanging, I noticed my greatest gains after only one session of it.
I usually just hang straight down while standing up.
I had tried before, but each time I try, there seems to be too much skin burning in the supra-pubic area.
I’m convinced it has to do with skin position before I wrap.
If I can figure out the best skin position before wrapping, get that down so there’s at least less burning,
I’ll be alright.
I sit on the edge of the bed, wrap, put on the hanger and then lay down.
The only reason I tried doing it this way is because it seemed to me to fit the definition of BTC,
more than just sitting up.
Do most of you do it in the sitting position?