Thunder's Place

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Bib hanger question

Bib hanger question

Hi there,

I’ve been doing PE on and off for about a year and haven’t really made any significant gains. I’ve decided to try to stick to it consistently for a year and have started hanging with the Bib. I hang about twice a day (two consecutive sessions of 20 minutes with 5 minutes of rest in between) however I’ve noticed that while hanging with the bib my shaft seems to turn to either one side or the other either after I tighten a lot, or I hang for a while. It’s almost like I’m squeezing it so hard with the bib that the somehow it’s turned to accomodate it better.. Does anyone else get this weird effect?


Ah yes, a good ole “angle of the dangle” question.

Seems like depending how you center the load off the Bib and how tight you tighten, at what point on the shaft relative to then ligaments etc.

There’s a lot of engineering involved, let me tell you.

Basically you’re just going to have to experiment with different grips and different methods of attaching the weight until you find what works (which could very well change over time :leftie: ).

So good luck with that. :)

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Hey Happy that makes a lot of sense. I’ll try working it out, but that sort of brings me to another question. Can I hang weights off it without tightening it as tight as possible? Is there an optimum tightness where if you go beyond that it doesn’t work as well?


I would say you want to maintain stability with the least amount of tightening possible; having said that, the Bib is designed to be tightened all the way down if necessary.

It depends on how much weight you’re using and what sort of wrapping you’re using etc.

If you’re starting out with between 5 and 10 lbs, you may be able to have that be secure without squeezing the living daylights out of your dick.

What are you wrapping with? That can make a big difference.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

The twisting issue is fairly common and I experience it from time to time now that I recently resumed hanging and I`m not a newbie with the Bib :)

Just try to position your dick and maintain it where it should be while gradually tightening.

As for how tight the hanger should be, there is no need to squeeze the shit out of your dick at lighter weights IF the hanger is actually getting a good grip. In other words, tighten as much as you need to grasp the structures properly. Anything beyond that is not necessary.

I think many newbies (I used to believe so) think that in order to prevent slippage to the head, one must tighten the hanger inhumanly tight. This is not correct. If you wrap correctly and attach the hanger correctly, you can give the hanger a good tug and feel that it is grasping the structures.

A key is to tug the hanger while attaching it: Position the dick in your hanger and tighten 20%. Give it a tug and feel that it slides forward to the “sweet spot”. Tighten 50-60%. Give it another good tug. By now you will be confident that it is where it should be. Proceed to tighten as much as you feel necessary and attach the weights.

My error in the past was that I tightened all the way without tugging and thus when I attached the weights, the hanger invariably slid toward the head in a very painful way and without grasping the structures at all.

Prevent Hanger twisting

Prevent Hanger twisting:

1-Increase your wrapped flaccid girth. To increase your wrapped flaccid girth user a longer or wider piece of theraband or add an HTW, What-A-Grip, or SS underwrap (with theraband over it).

2-Make the bottom of the hanger a bit wider || vs | |

3-Make sure your shaft is pressed down into the bottom of the shaftwell, this also helps prevent slippage (don’t press too hard though, I’ve done this & bruised myself—you don’t want your penis caught in the bottom metal hinge area).

4-I find twisting gets worse early on with the BTC angle, so you may need to start at SD.

5-If you're using extremely light weight, the twisting can be more extreme (e.g. 2.5lbs). Just reaching 5lbs can help correct things a bit (lots of us guys don’t have perfectly straight penises, so this can be part of the cause).

6-You don't want your urethra to twist more than about 45 degrees, or you can end up causing a bit of damage (the urethra is quite sensitive). Mine tends to naturally twist in the hanger and I had to fight with my penis for months before it was trained to hang a bit straighter.

7-If you still have trouble, a PVC halfpipe on the front of your chair can help. I’ve been using one since 2008 when I first started hanging & it was well worth the trouble of making it; I can’t see myself hanging without it.

8-Only tighten the hanger as much is necessary to make it secure without slippage—there’s no reason to excessively tighten things. Making things too tight will just put you at risk of bruising your penis & interrupting your hanging.

More Details on Preventing Hanger twisting:
Speaking of hanger width, I prefer slight toe-in settings…. / \
(this seems to help prevent slippage).

There’s a fairly long learning curve with the Bib, but eventually once you adjust & adapt its not bad at all (hanging was much more uncomfortable during the first few or maybe even several months). I probably have a year of hanging experience (but not consecutive), and I have to say the hanger is much more comfortable now than it ever was, even during my first 6-7 months of use.

Twisting issues are pretty common early on as well (its part of the learning curve). Keep experimenting and you’ll figure out a solution. :)

Last edited by blink2000 : 09-10-2010 at .

Originally Posted by Noobie55
(two consecutive sessions of 20 minutes with 5 minutes of rest in between)

10 minutes of rest is recommended in-between 20 minute sets, although I’ve occasionally seen veterans using 8 minutes of rest. I don’t think 5 minutes is quite long enough.

Excellent posts from Renholder and blink2000. :thumbs:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

You know, we’ve swung the weights, twirled the weights, hung our dicks over dowel rods for a fulcrum. It seems logical to me that all this bending and tissue manipulation would enhance the Bib’s performance in hanging massive weights from our dicks.

Maybe the secret is spinning. If we could devise some sort of hanger that spins the weight like an old Victrola as we hang.

:-k :

I may have to build something.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Imagine hanging straight down, then having something spin the weight hard to the right, twisting your dick like a watch spring, then releasing it to spin back the other way, like wringing out a wet rag. Seems this would be very effective in breaking down collagen, or twisting one’s dick from one’s body, whichever comes first.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
You know, we’ve swung the weights, twirled the weights, hung our dicks over dowel rods for a fulcrum. It seems logical to me that all this bending and tissue manipulation would enhance the Bib’s performance in hanging massive weights from our dicks.

Maybe the secret is spinning. If we could devise some sort of hanger that spins the weight like an old Victrola as we hang.

:-k :

I may have to build something.

I’ve seen the progress log of a guy that said he was using spinning (perhaps what you described as a ‘twirl’). He claimed 3” of gains in a bit too short of time (but he did lose 100lbs of fat, so maybe it’s measurement confusion). He also kept constant heat on during his sets. Maybe he really did gain 2” BPEL in just a year, but it does seem quite fast… he also claimed he was using 30 minute sets (dangerous). He was also hanging just 1 hour a day (in my opinion the math doesn’t add up, but at the same time, what he did was fairly unique).

I think there’s some merit to the concept of a super-powered rotary stretch (i.e. hanging SD while standing then making the weight move in a small circle). I might try it out eventually. For now I’m just working on maximum suspensory ligament deformation. I have shifted my penis from 9 O’clock to about 8 O’clock so far (I’ve got a long way to go before I reach 6 O’clock).

The guy doing this had his penis naturally exiting his penis at 6 O’Clock (so straight down). Perhaps his suspensory ligaments were not a limiting factor which could have made the rotary style of stretching he was doing more effective… (i.e. perhaps this helped him target the Tunica more effectively).

I only say that because perhaps someone with tighter susp ligs wouldn’t have the same success with the method. All of this of course is just pure speculation, but I thought you might find it interesting.

My method to prevent shaft twisting is:Put your wrapped penis upper in the hanger, 1-2milimeters close to the tightening bolt.

-======Goal BPEL 9.5x6======-

Hey guys, thanks for all the replies, I’ve tried to follow them as best as I could. I’ve been adjusting the position of my unit and even though most of the time it either goes to the left or right, it seems to be at a lesser degree now than it was before. At the moment, I’ve adjusted my Bib to be toe-in and so that the front (near head) is 0.8 cm and the back (near body) is 1.2 cm to prevent slippage. I’ve found that tightening it as hard as I can is pretty painful (even though it goes away with about two or three minutes of hanging), so sometimes I loosen it a bit, but then I find it usually slips faster and also causes more head pressure. The head pressure doesn’t bother me too much at the minute because I’m only using 5 lbs.

I’ve been struggling with proper wraps for the past year or so of on and off hanging. Even now I still sometimes get skin pinching but I’ve gotten better at it that when I first started. I’m currently using 1 layer of theraband wrapped loosely around. What’s also kind of weird about my unit is I have this spot approximately 1 - 1.5 inches behind my glans (deep inside my unit probably near the urethra) that really doesn’t like when I tighten on it. It hurts a lot when I tighten on that particular spot so usually I have to tighten either in front of it or behind it. I find that tightening behind it is too far back though and usually causes way too much skin stretch, but tightening in front of it doesn’t give me the optimal amount of room to put the hanger on.

I don’t know how people on this forum have upgraded to beyond 15lbs, I’m still struggling to hang comfortably with 5 lbs. I’m really hoping that in the next few months I’ll get a lot better at using the Bib. On the other hand, I measured myself a few days ago and I can’t tell if this is just my imagination but I think in the last 3 weeks my erect length has increased by about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch. (The first two weeks I hung with 2.5 lbs the next week with 5 lbs) two sets done back to back with a 10 minute break. I usually do the sets at night and go to sleep after (I don’t use ADS or do any jelqing). I really hope it’s not just my imagination but it’s really motivated me to keep going. Thanks for all your help everyone.


Hey, that’s great that you’re making gains :)

Less Toe In?
I think you might have too much toe-in (due to the glans pressure you’re describing). Try a little less toe-in & see if it helps (e.g. 1m front instead of .8). You could even try Toe-out… experiment with light weight & see if you can figure things out.

With your need to excessively tighten things, I suspect you’re having wrapping issues. So far, I have a year of hanging experience, & I still have trouble with my wrap (as time goes by I’ve changed it for various reasons). I’m also using Thera-band only. Maybe I can help you based on my own experience.

Wrapping Tips to Prevent Slippage
Just make sure your wrap is thicker towards the starting point (1.25” behind the glans = starting point). Although the wrap should be loose enough to allow circulation, make sure it’s not excessively loose—that can create problems.

I find that if I make the wrap go too far down my penis (close to the base), or if the wrap is too thick towards the base of my penis, it tends to make the bib hanger attachment slip. Just make sure your wrap is not shaped thicker at the back & narrower at the front or it will tend to slide. In other words, making the wrap thickest towards the top (where it’s nearest to your circumcision scar / glans) should help prevent slippage.

Sometimes cleaning the bib hanger & theraband can help. I find dirty theraband is more prone to slippage too.

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