Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bib hanger Refunds??


Bib hanger Refunds??

Hi Bib,

Perhaps you didn’t receive my email to your site (Bib regarding my Bib hanger.
Can you get back to me per my regular email address on this as I would need to get it in the mail back to you ASAP if you will grant my refund request?



Hey Indeed9,

Kinda interested in knowing why you want to return your Hanger? Did you have difficulties using it? There are plenty of guys here who can help you out with that. It does take a little while to get it just right, but once your there it’s smooth sailing! Let the guys help you!

CURRENT 04/11/2007 7.5 EBP X 5.25 EG Mid Shaft, 6.5 NBPEL!

GOAL 05/30/2008 8.5 EBP X 6.00 EG Mid Shaft, 7.5 NBPEL!

I’d like to know as well. I just popped $130 in the mail for another one so I have one ‘just in case’ when I’m ready to get back into hanging. Maybe he decided he doesnt really need9 that badly?


>Perhaps you didn’t receive my email to your site (Bib regarding my Bib hanger.
Can you get back to me per my regular email address on this as I would need to get it in the mail back to you ASAP if you will grant my refund request? <

No, I have not received an email from you. And I do not have your email address. Please send another email, or just send the hanger back and I will refund.



Turns out I did receive your email, but hotmail put it in my jund folder. I am glad I checked. I replied to that email, and you should have it.


For me the learning curve was steep. Really, really steep. And I still am not 100% with it - I have to switch to another hanger after 5 or 6 sets because I can’t get the BIB back on right yet. Perhaps ineed9 is just not willing or able to put in the monstrous effort the device requires of some of us. I know I lost a lot of momentum in my regular routines when I started hanging, and had no growth until I got it right - and I am not even sure I have gotten any yet. I will confess that I came close to sending mine to Poseidon many times, and threw but missed getting it over the rail at least once. That said, I am glad I did not sink it now that I am able to use it. I KNOW that this will make my penis longer than anything else I have tried, if for no other reason than that logic dictates it. Once adjusted, it is comfortable and capable of holding a great deal of weight. I think it was worth the effort and frustration, ineed9 might not.

I guess he’ll either get back to this thread and fill us in on his reasons or he wont. That’s his call. I agree with the learning curve. I was using the BIB for many months the wrong way and then BIB and Hobby clued me in about adjusting the lower nuts (on the hanger ;) ) properly so that the bottom was rigid before putting the hanger on.

Poseidon would sure appreciate such a device eh? LOL.

This is the paradox of hanging. It’s the most effortless way to gain length yet the hardest to understand (forget master).
Hopefully Ineed9 won’t feel under any pressure to explain himself here. That wouldn’t be cool at all.
But since this thread seems to be turning into an “I love/hate my hanger” session I’ll take a chance on asking a question of Bigger:

Bib, you noted in another thread that you “know for a fact that it is possible for any PE to help only one-half of the population gain penis length” - and it’s a remark stuck that with me.
I don’t doubt its veracity but I wonder how you came to this understanding. Has your experience with helping people PE led you to this conclusion, or are there hard numbers you’ve noted via your Bib Hanger feedback?
And just to be clear, I ask because if true, it is an idea that might help motivate people having a hard time gaining to check out other approaches.



>Bib, you noted in another thread that you “know for a fact that it is possible for any PE to help only one-half of the population gain penis length” - and it’s a remark stuck that with me.
I don’t doubt its veracity but I wonder how you came to this understanding. Has your experience with helping people PE led you to this conclusion, or are there hard numbers you’ve noted via your Bib Hanger feedback?<

Sorry about that. I thought it was obvious. One-half of the population is women.



"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts


Have I ever told you you’re my hero?


I bought a Bib Starter, but I’m not presently hanging now (although that’s because of work schedule, wife’s work schedule, time-privacy issues).

Anyway, the learning curve can be intimidating indeed. My most common problem was that I’d finally get the setup right - for my 1st set (although if I went over 8 lbs, there would be pain), but I couldn’t get it right for subsequent sets. I would remove the hanger by only twisting the single nut, and I would leave the wrap on. But when the rest time was over, I could never finish the follow-up sets because it was like I shot my load and the whole deal was over. So, I get something like 1 set of 10 minutes with 8 lbs - and then rest 10 minutes, then spend 10-15 minutes of frustration trying to get set #2, which I’d only manage for 1-2 minutes because of the pain, etc. So, I’d waste 35-40 minutes and only manage a measley 11-12 minutes of hanging 8 lbs - which didn’t leave me feeling shit.

I know Bib will do his utmost to help hangers get it right, and I’m certain that his production model is of very solid design, but I think my problems center around 4 issues:

(1) Loose penile skin

(2) High climb of that scrotal “chicken skin” up my shaft

(3) A lot of hair on that climbing scrotal skin

(4) Rather modest flaccid size

Couple that with stubborn-assed steel cable ligs and you can see where I’m at. If I move the Bib too far down my shaft, it invariably pinches that hairy chicken skin (even with a thorough wrap) - and, yes, I've meticulously trimmed that hair with scissors; can't shave it, of course. Move it away from the base, and I’m too close to the glans. Tightening the hanger so my loose cock skin doesn’t just stretch invariably causes pain to my unit.

I keep reading that pain is bad….and I keep reading that it’s not good to have the hanger encroach upon the glans….and I keep reading that you need to be tight enough to stretch the internal structures of penis and not just the skin….and I keep reading that you should never hang erect. Put that all together and the result is that the Bib just isn’t for me….yet.

I’m going to continue with my vigorous manual work, and I might possibly try to build the Captain’s Wench Hanger. But I’m keeping my Bib because I do appreciate the design, craftsmanship and operating principles. I just may need to wait until my flaccid is another 0.75-1.00” greater.

Did my post make any sense? :/

Originally posted by Stillwantmore
I guess he'll either get back to this thread and fill us in on his reasons or he wont. That's his call. I agree with the learning curve. I was using the BIB for many months the wrong way and then BIB and Hobby clued me in about adjusting the lower nuts (on the hanger ;) ) properly so that the bottom was rigid before putting the hanger on.

Poseidon would sure appreciate such a device eh? LOL.

Lol, I did that too! Glad to know it happens to the best of us :)


You may be trying to make it too difficult.

First, can you manual stretch without any problems?

If so, can you wrap and manual stretch without any problems?

If so, then simply try to adjust the hanger to meet the same criteria as your hands when you are manually stretching. That should do it.


The reason why it is hard, is because the troubleshooting or tech support is all done via Internet…..

At the end of the day, only really you know what you are doing to your dick and its up to you to describe what you are doing to us here on the forum. Simple communication issues. So, even though people can answer your questions here and try to help you, ultimately you must BECOME your own “tech support.”

However, I think there are a few frequent problems people encounter: 1.) engorged head 2.)Wrapping issues

1.) I struggled for months with the “engorged head” syndrome. Now, I can hang with a soft head every time. As I look back, the only thing I was missing was to tighten the fuck out of the hanger so that they teeth are meshed. One day, I said let me tighten the hanger as far as it can go…I even tighten more once I’m already into a set. Suddenly, my head is not ballooned up during a set anymore. Silly? yes. Lesson learned? Hell yes.

2.) Wrapping is a double edged sword to me. On one hand it protects your dick and gives you the tube-like/cylindrical shape necessary to fit the hanger properly. On the other hand too much can cause a couple of problems.

One, you wont allow the hanger to properly grasp your internal structures of the dick properly and two, its harder to put your dick as low in the shaft well as possible, which is necessary for safety issues. As the hanger is tightened, your penis will be squeezed together and the top of your shaft will move upwards. If there is too much wrap, it is hard to gauge where your dick is in relation to the inside of the top of the hanger. I have even pinched the top of my shaft and not even knew it because of too much wrap. Sometimes my shaft has even been driven into the top bolt. Both of theses scenarios have caused loss of sensitivity/feeling issues. There is a very sensitive nerve that runs along the top of your shaft (dorsal nerve) that can not get mangled as I was doing.

The good news is that after breaks of time, the sensitivity will always come back.

Bottom line: use as little wrapping as possible, so you can see what the hell is going on and when you tighten, put your finger on top of your dick to keep your dick as low as possible in the shaft well.

Don’t be afraid to tighten the shit out of the hanger and even let out the bottom gap a little…

Despite these setbacks, I remain positive……here’s why…..

The thing I was thinking about is this…..BIB had no BIB hanger and still gained 4.5 inches in length in about 19 months….he was using shitty hangers and pure desire.

The thing is this: if you had no BIB hanger, would you still be getting a big dick? It is a tool, so use it and make it work for you.

I hypothesize one could gain at even a faster rate then that now. We have it easier….We have a proper, safe hanger from the time you start your PE “career.” You can calculate your LOT. You have blasters, fulcrum rods, etc, etc. Look at all the advancements and new exercises that have been “discovered” in the past years. Everything is pretty much laid out for you. All these things will help you gain at a faster rate.

Its really not that hard. Just takes consistency. Let’s all “sack up,” trouble shoot/figure out our problems with the hanger and get the gains going. Thats what we are here for.

that is all

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

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