Thunder's Place

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Bib Hanger versus Bib Starter

Bib Hanger versus Bib Starter

What is the difference between them both? Ok, the starter is smaller than the Hanger, but hows it with the comfort?
Further, is Bib hanger, or starter much more comfortable than a very good homemade Hubbards hanger?

Sorry, this must be in hanger forum, but I cant post there.

http://www.bibh … m/pictures2.htm

The BibHanger is approximately 2¾ inches in length and works best for men with at least 6 inches erect length* and 5 inches erect girth*. The BibStarter is about one inch shorter than the BibHanger and is recommended for men who have at least 3.5 inches erect length* and 3.5 inches erect girth*. The Starter can accommodate a maximum erect girth* of approximately 6.5 inches. There are no limits on erect length. The BibHanger can accommodate a maximum erect girth* of approximately 8 inches. There are no limits on erect length.
Yes the Bib products are way more comfortable. They are more durable and well designed. Hubbard’s hangers are good but where they excel is in the fact is the simple ease of finding all the components to assemble and make one. The gel cushion on the hangers by Bib make it the most comfortable product to date. Unfortunately, sometimes the cost of the product keeps some people away from it. There are plenty of quality designs here of home made hangers.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

tt gave you the physical size. I will address the practical side. Bib’s gains were achieved at weights exceeding 17#. I gained 2” hanging; with most of the gain coming between 17 and 25#. Why stop at 25#? Simply the hanger has to be tightened excessively to keep it from slipping forward at weights above 25#. It is not good to crush the penis that much in my opinion. I started with the Bib Jr but found that it needed to be tighened excessively above 15# to keep it from slipping forward. Since the Bib Jr has only 60% of the gripping area of the Bib Original that is in agreement 25x0.6=15#. My recommendation would be to jelq/manual stretch until you have requisite 6” stretched flaccid length to accomodate the Bib Original. Forget the Bib Jr.

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