Bib hELP
Hi Bib,
Recieved the bib hanger within 5 days from ordering(live in the UK). Used it to whatever directions were on the website. Don’t know if I exactly followed them.(was a bit excited). I think I wrapped the theramed thingy a bit too tight and hence there was slight twisting. Attached some weights. Wanted to see how much I could handle. So started with 0.5KG for 2 mins (was way too light) then did a hot wrap thingy for like 5mins to get the circulation going. then worked my way until I reached 1.75 KG. The next day attached 4 KG. There was slight miscomfort. I could have hung more but didn’t. My problem is my glans or head has areas of like dark purple/purple discoloration on it. and area under the urethra but still on the head (hope I explained this right ) is like almost black. I have not experienced any problems. Wake up with erections and sensitivity is normal as far as I can tell. The thing that worries me is that the discoloration has not dissappeared has become lighter though. It’s been 5 days since I’ve noticed the discoloration and also I’ve not touched the bib hanger sinec noticing the dicoloration. Also when hanging I feel like the head is taking all of the weight and there is like enormous pressure on the head. also it becomes cold after 3 mins of hanging. PLZ help . worried