bib pinching
I read a thread on how to get a better grasp on the internals by modifying your hanger so that the bottom nut near the base is more tighter whereas the top nut is more outward something like this l\ when you look at the hanger from the bottom I’ve done this but im feeling a pinching sensation when im tightening the hanger it really feels weird when i try to tighten the hanger and it becomes really difficult to even let the weight swing back and forth i had the same problem before i made the modification as well but Im not entirely sure if its either my wrapping or how me placing my penis into the hanger below ill detail how i do a single set
apply heat for 5-10 minutes.
stretch penis out and wrap below the scar line.
by doing a swirl wrapping leaving a bit of a gap between the first wrap layer and the next
once completed i use tape to stop it from unbundling
i open the hanger and place my penis inside the hanger i stretch out the head and then start to squeeze the head to get rid of the excess blood
then slowly tighten while my left hand stretches out my penis then using my right hand i pat down the penis inside the hanger to try to stop the
hanger from pinching my penis once the hanger is tightened 50/75% of the way i move it forward so it rests behind the glans then finish tightening
the hanger and sit on my chair near the edge and apply the weight