Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I posted in the Main Member section and desperately need your opinion/advice. I have peyronie’s w/ a strong upward curvature and would like to know if I can hang using your bib hanger. I can’t hold anyone responsible for injuring myself, I just want to know if you think I can make some gains hanging. You are my hero and your reply and shared knowledge is appreciated more than you know. Thanks in advance. Oh… BTW You’re H-U-G-E! Congrats on your success and your contributions to helping us all.

Previous Post:

Ok…1st post



There are many men that have hung with peyronies with success. However, the worst injury, a torn tunica, I have ever heard about, came from a guy with peyronies hanging with a loop.

The situation is, you will be able to gain in lig stretch, and tunica stretch away from the scar tissue. But the scar tissue is weaker, and can be more easily ruptured again than a normal tunica. Also, it will not stretch or grow like normal tissue.

So the answer is, yes you can hang, but you have to be much more careful than other men. Anything that feels at all funny, you have to stop, at least for a bit to access the condition of your unit.

You are the man Bib!

Thanks much. I responded in the main forum. Obviously you also have a big heart to go along with that 10 inch monster wang of yours. Your support makes me feel a little less “different”. Hope everythings swell with you and the wif. Thanks again. I will be ordering one of your hangers soon. Question: I am 7 x 4.75. Should I order your starter or the original recipe bib?



You could use either, but the Starter would probably be easier to use with your condition. You probably want to avoid placing the hanger directly on the area of the scar tissue, and with the regular, this might be hard to do.


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