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BTC Pubic Pad Stretch

BTC Pubic Pad Stretch


I just started hanging BTC and after 4 sets of 20 min I noticed that the skin of my pubic pad was turning a little red. The burning sensation at the base of my penis was not bad (there, but tolerable) and my pubic pad was tight. I just want to know if this is normal for starting out the BTC angle or if I should adjust something?

I use an office chair, place a couch cushion on the back half of the chair and sit on the front half of the chair while putting my feet up on a coffee table. My torso is leaned back a bit.

I am using 10 pounds. While I am new to BTC hanging, I am not new to hanging in general. After reading the TGC theory (and determining my limiting factor to be the tunica) several years ago I started hanging at about 3/4 upward angle. So, the 10 pounds does not feel like too much for my penis (in fact, I did not feel much fatigue after the first two sets within my penis itself, just the skin of my pad).

I’ve made some minimal gains using the 3/4 upward angle (admittedly, due to school and my own laziness at times, the amount of time I’ve put in has been lacking).

On that TGC note, have any guys out there used hanging after determining their limiting factor to be their Tunica? It seemed to me when I first read about it that Hanging would be the best way to address that issue. I just wonder if I made a mistake by hanging upward instead of downward. (Funny thing is, my primary concern is gaining girth)



Hey there, yes the skin stretcher for week or 2 then you should be fine. Dont worry about that it happens to us all at first and still happens after a while of hanging now and then.

Yep, normal. The irritation can accumulate over multiple days. Play it by feel, if it gets bad just hang less BTC time for the next day while the skin settles down.

Some people gain base girth from BTC hanging, but mostly it’s for length as you say. So I’m curious have you tried all the other girth methods already and nothing worked so this is a last ditch effort?

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Yep, normal. The irritation can accumulate over multiple days. Play it by feel, if it gets bad just hang less BTC time for the next day while the skin settles down.

Some people gain base girth from BTC hanging, but mostly it’s for length as you say. So I’m curious have you tried all the other girth methods already and nothing worked so this is a last ditch effort?

Well, I actually first encountered PE about 10 years ago and used some basic stretching and jelqing routines, to little effect. I lost confidence in the whole PE thing at that point. Through the years I sporadically browsed forums and tried things. For a while, I did a pretty consistent routine of clamping, to little effect. Then I ran across the TGC theory and it seemed to make a lot of sense for what I was experiencing (I hadn’t tried hanging yet at that time). I seemed to fit pretty well into the category of guys whose limiting factor was their tunica. Also, I’d determined that perhaps I was just a hard gainer.

So I bought the bib hanger (few years ago now) and did low angle hanging for a few days. Then, I got the idea that, if the tunica was my limiting factor, then it might make sense for me to hang upwards in order to hit that. Again, I admit that for various reasons, my routine was sporadic and when I was going consistently, I still wasn’t doing sufficient sets. So while my gains seemed to have been none, I can’t assume it was because the angle wasn’t the right.

Interestingly, I actually found the first notebook I ever kept my progress in when I’d first started 10 years ago. Compared to what I had written as my starting measurements, I’m currently about .3 inches longer and about .25 inches thicker. So I cannot really say that the upward hanging was useless. I really can’t say which routine produced that increase.

I’m going with the TGC recommendation that, Tunica being my limiting factor, I have to do length work in order to bring out my gains.

Last edited by ngt2000 : 04-24-2013 at .

Also, a few days ago I fiddled with the adjustment nuts on the Bib and made the apparatus tighter (I hadn’t messed with those before, I was intimidated by the thing) and did a session of upward hanging before switching to BTC. I have to say, my penis felt more fatigued than it ever had before.

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