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Cascade's comeback to PE, opinions welcome on starting weight

Cascade's comeback to PE, opinions welcome on starting weight

Hey guys, I’m back!

I am restarting my PE with hanging 2.5 lbs from my BIB Starter.
I tried 5 lbs but it seemed to give some small sharp pains and as soon as that happened I grabbed the hanger up to stop the stretch doing damage.

I have it setup now with one of the 2.5 lbs weights (2x 2.5 lbs in total) is lower than the other one.
I do this so that if the stretch is too intense with all 5 lbs I can lower my body slightly so the lower weight will gradually touch the floor more and more as I lower my body thus giving less weight on my dick (somewhere between 2.5 lbs and 5 lbs).

When I sit properly in the chair all 5 lbs supported by my dick.
The lower weight is just 1 inch from the ground.

What do you guys think of this?
Should I just be using 2.5 lbs and not bother using 5 lbs until I can handle the whole 5?

Also it seems better when I use less thera (1 layer of wrap down the shaft).

Also interesting, when I started it hurt just below the head of the penis.
It turned out to be that it was my scotch taping not only the wrap when it’s completed but also when I start the wrap by sticking the start of the thera to my skin!

You guys must think i’m such a dumbass! :D


Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

What are you using for wrap and how are you applying it?

Small sharp pains? Where are these pains? Skin or deeper?

Provide a better description of what you’re doing. The more detail, the better we can advise. Describe how you wrap and attach the hanger.

I use thera, I spiral it down the shaft. (once only)

I can’t tell the differnece between skin or deeper pains.
It is a sharp pain though just below the head.


Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!


Try using a wrap of sweatshirt/pant material underneath your wrap of Theraband. See how you like it. It took me forever to find a wrap and hanger attachment combination that made it semi-comfortable to hang. I eventually settled on the sweatshirt/pant and Theraband. Having some cloth against your skin is much more comfortable and the Theraband doesn’t stick to your skin when you take the wrap off. It’s important to make sure you have yourself centered in the hanger and that you tighten it as much as possible without severe discomfort as well. I hope this helps.


I’m hanging 5 lbs comfotably now!
I like very little thera as I find that too much makes it uncomfortable.
I will try the sweatshirt material underneath soon.
Hanging is so easy compared to stretching and jelquing :D

Do I need to do a heat ricesock in between each 20 min set?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

I also prefer some sweatshirt stuff under Thera. The least amount of wrap the better, generally. I don’t spiral my wrap.

You can tell if skin is being stretched by how tight it is. Reach down and feel it with your fingers as you are hanging. If it’s taut it’s being stretched. This ain’t rocket science. :)

Depending on how much skin slack you have, you may need to spend some time stretching skin before the focus shifts to the internal structures.

Originally Posted by hobby
I don’t spiral my wrap.

What do you mean by this?

Don’t you have to spiral the wrap up the shaft to cover the desired area on the penis?

I just don’t overlap back over the thera for a 2nd layer.

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

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