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Cheap alternative sleeve for Vac hanger?

Cheap alternative sleeve for Vac hanger?

Here are some alternative that I’ve found on the forum: dish gloves finger, condom, punch ballon, the hand job stroker sleeve, and the bicycle innertube (it’s indestructable at high weight but it’s tough) , homemade sillicone sleeves (this is probably impossible for me to make because I can’t find the specified Ecoflex silicone)…And If you’ve built a vac hanger before, what did you use for the sleeve? I think there are much more obscure alternatives out there, if you have any idea of some new sleeves please share.

hey guys (bump), in case somebody is interested in the cheap alternative sleeves, here’re my observation with different kind of sleeves, and the weight they can hold.
1. dish gloves fingers: Pros: cheap, can use 6 finger for each pair of gloves, provide a very good seal because it’s very tight. Cons: Can’t handle heavy weight, 10lbs is the max, heavier and the next day they tear.
2. Condoms: the worse, it’s even weaker than the dish gloves, no comment on its uselessness and it’s not so cheap like a dishgloves finger….
3. Punch baloons: the same like dishgloves fingers, ok for extending/ADS but became raggedy-ass at heavy weight….
4. the handjob stroker sleeves: pros: Yes it’s a perfect alternative sleeve, made of silicone and very flexible, Cons: It’s not cheap and it’s weird going to a sex toy shop every month, that place disgusts me.

5. Bike innertube: this bad boy is my favorite, with 1 inch of innertube section grasp on my dick (1 inch behind the glans), I can hang 15 lbs (not the max weight) with no problem and after the set the innertube came out like a boss, not even a tiny crack on it. basically indestructable. Cons: your girth must be 5.5 (I guess) or higher to use the innertube sleeve completely flaccid, otherwise it won’t seal and you must get some blood in the penis (semi-erect) for it to seal. when I bought the inner tube, check for the size, I use the 1,5-1,75” innertube (they wrote these figures on it). The smaller sizes are useable but in my experiences they are way too tought to stretch over the cylinder. There’s another obscure kind, it’s latex innertube (more stretchy than standard tube but still as strong) that could be used, but in my town they don’t have the right size, they’re either too small or too big, how sad :(

Last edited by overdoseads : 10-06-2014 at .

This is a great resource! Nice work.

I plan on making a vac hanger like sparkyx’s after I hit my length goal to continue hanging light weights for maintenance purposes and maybe some SLOW further gains in length. He used the inner tube and I think that is a great idea.

Hey thanks roots! You should try vac hanging right NOW, either make one yourself or buy one from others, it has some great advantages: you dont have to wrap, you dont have to worry about circulation, long sets are great way to ride the fatigue, and it’s easy to use, regarding weights: I saw a guy on here (ironaddict) he said he hung 22lbs with monkeybar vachanger & the “hardcore” sleeve, its the toughest and strongest sleeve, his secret is taping the glans tip, yes, taping is mentioned very carefully in the “hanging 101” and on monkeybar’s site, they help greatlyto increase the max weight and time. So I guess you will like vac hanging when you try it, I also build a model similar to sparky’s vac hanger, just with longer sleeve.

Originally Posted by overdoseads
Hey thanks roots! You should try vac hanging right NOW, either make one yourself or buy one from others, it has some great advantages: you dont have to wrap, you dont have to worry about circulation, long sets are great way to ride the fatigue, and it’s easy to use, regarding weights: I saw a guy on here (ironaddict) he said he hung 22lbs with monkeybar vachanger & the “hardcore” sleeve, its the toughest and strongest sleeve, his secret is taping the glans tip, yes, taping is mentioned very carefully in the “hanging 101” and on monkeybar’s site, they help greatlyto increase the max weight and time. So I guess you will like vac hanging when you try it, I also build a model similar to sparky’s vac hanger, just with longer sleeve.

Thanks for the advice, but I have found something that works and don’t want to mess with it just yet. Plus with the weights I’m already hanging, I’m going to be well over 22 pounds soon.

I have a vac extender and I tape my glans when I use it. Keeps everything nice and dry in there.

I totally agree though that vac hangers are really cool, I just can be a bit more aggressive with my bib, and I like that.

Anyway you could post a picture of your design when you get a chance? I’d like to see it.

I think the reason why the bib is so good quality and original is because it’s a tried and true method, it works for thousands of people and you are deeply instructed by bib’s hanging protocol, no one can ever deny that!

I recently bought a new roll of tape for my VH yesterday. I’ll try to send you a PM with its pictures. one more thing, may I ask what type of tape you use?

Originally Posted by overdoseads
I think the reason why the bib is so good quality and original is because it’s a tried and true method, it works for thousands of people and you are deeply instructed by bib’s hanging protocol, no one can ever deny that!
I recently bought a new roll of tape for my VH yesterday. I’ll try to send you a PM with its pictures. one more thing, may I ask what type of tape you use?

I believe the tape I use is called microfoam tape. It is the stuff Monkeybar sells as anti-fluid tape. Although when I need more I hit up Wal-Mart or Walgreens to save some money.

my vac hanger

So here is it:

(8.4 KB, 356 views)

Nice! I have a couple questions:

Is it mouth-draw or can you hook a hand pump to it?

Is round thing at the very top (on the T connector) a pressure quick release or just a cap?

What is the bottle that makes up the body?

I suck the air out with my mouth, I don’t use hand pump, IMO they are unnecessary. that thing at the top is an aquarium air valve, to get out of the hanger I just need to open the valve by turning it and the thing slide right off, huge thanks to sparkyx, he discovered it. the bottle is a kind of medicine container. Anymore questions just PM me.

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