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Chinese cloth 'noose' hanger and reinventing the wheel?


Thanks Tom. I’m a dumb with ropes and knots, but definitely I’ll spend some time trying to make that noose working. A strip of cotton should be a good choice, I guess?

Originally Posted by drabbuhmot
Somehow this site has deleted entirely non-offensive diagrams. OK, I promise: no more attachments (ironic that I can’t remove ones I’ve uploaded eh?)

After posting, I deleted the originals, and all I’ve been able to recover is this:

Basically, it gives you all you need to know.

In the picture attachement,which part is going to be connected to the penis? The lower one?

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
I seriously doubt that any moderator would have deleted that pic Tom. Maybe it was a connection problem. Also, try hitting (lightly) your F5 key and see if it clears the photos that you are trying to delete. Or try clearing your browser cache.

I seriously doubt it as well, however when people said they couldn’t see the attachments which I could, I checked by URL and posted those, and now they’re dead links. No great loss, despite a bit of confusion.

Originally Posted by C.phantasy
In the picture attachement,which part is going to be connected to the penis? The lower one?

The top part (now I wouldn’t go about trying to confuse people would I? ;-)

Originally Posted by marinera
Thanks Tom. I’m a dumb with ropes and knots, but definitely I’ll spend some time trying to make that noose working. A strip of cotton should be a good choice, I guess?

I guess - I have no idea what this material is I’ve had for years - soft and comfortable is key.

If you really have trouble with it, let me know and I’ll do a more thorough drawing.

OK, very kind Tom. You are the best. :up:

Very cool!

The hanger you had made to start with is very much like my homemade ADS except I found I needed something a little thinner than surgical tubing, I strap it to something right below my knee. But the Chinese cloth thing is brilliant and when I can back to hanging I will try it.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thank you for this Tom. I will definitely give it a go at some point.



Originally Posted by Ziggaman

Thank you for this Tom. I will definitely give it a go at some point.

Mañana, mañana, I love ya, mañana! =P




From experience I know you can gain from any type of hanger that will attach weight to your penis. That’s of course great but also means it’s hard to get beginners not to just knot weights to their penis. Often enough gains come first and safety second. With noose hangers safety is in jeopardy. I’m sure some noose hangers are better than others but at a certain weight and duration they will become damaging.

I am surprised there’s so much interest in this from experienced hangers. Why not dust off one of your AFBs Tom?

But it’s still a noose.I don’t see how it being elastic or non elastic makes any difference.whenever I test a new hanger I put it on my finger to see if it allows good blood flow while hanging.any kind of noose I’ve used, big rope, shoe lace with rubber for grip, all make my finger turn purple.I’ve found that the drumsticks alow good bloodflow but can be a little harder to attach comfortably. But you could make it more comfortable by shaving down the middle I supose..

I couldn’t stop laughing when he started punching his balls

Actually, Piet, I’ve pretty much stopped doing anything for lack of results in, uh, ten years ;-). I think I explained my attraction to this design - its simplicity - in the original post.

s101, there may not be much difference between elastic and inelastic noose - at least nothing I can explain clearly right now (other than not needing to find surgical tubing). This feels safer than the contraption I used, however.

What I find more interesting - and which I think I posted somewhere but got buried - is using this as in the video, around both cock and balls and swinging - actually feels awesome! Interesting to explore. I’ve been doing that manually since (pulling on cock and balls), and find that parts of my balls and groin that used to be tender (i.e., get sore) aren’t that way any more….


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