Thunder's Place

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Comparing penis hanging devices!!!

Comparing penis hanging devices!!!

See how they look like!!! :-)

At the time of purchasing these devices, I was dignosed with Kidney Cancer and two small inguinal hernia during a CT scan for abdominal pain. So I have no motivation to start a hanging routine till I am healthy again. If you are interested to purchase these Penis Enlargemet devices. I am selling them on Ebay —- They are brand new, never used !!!

For now I am only doing maintenance with Pumping and Extender! I am keeping the P-hanger to be used with my Total Man Rod Extender 2.0.

Attn.: I used to owned a Bib Hardcore and Malehanger a few years ago, but I lost both devices when I was moving to a new house. So I decide to purchase them again to figure out the best hanger for my goals. (I have no experiene with Total Man Hanger!)

Attn 1.: Good News!! The doctors removed all the cancer from Kidney, but I’m still suffering post-surgery fatigue!

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Congratulations on having the cancer removed.

Wishing you a speedy and full recovery and a healthy life moving forward.

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”


Originally Posted by tbone350
Attn 1.: Good News!! The doctors removed all the cancer from Kidney, but I’m still suffering post-surgery fatigue!

Awesome dude congrats.

Love thy neighbor.

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