Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cutting of ligs to increase gains


Yes your ligs will be cut and your dick will be weaker initially upto six months, after six or more months they should heal and they will heal just to the normal strength as you previously have.

That is why Doctors will tell you that you can not be sexually active a certian amount of time after the surgery.

Surgery in of itself will not gaurantee you a longer dick. You shouldn’t depend on that alone.

Originally Posted by SS4Jelq

Generally I think you are correct, but a long lig will still provide more stability that a cut one, no?


I’d like to know too, cause I definetly notice a less stable penis after stretching down a bunch.

Tigermoth I’m glad you’ve had the opportunity to learn from my mistake. Incidentally I am finding that hanging after a month or so may actually strengthen my penis and give it a good workout, that is if its done judiciously with proper warmup and without getting into a weight lifting competition with other posters. I started at 3 pounds and very gradually am up to 7 1/2 lbs. This may be the only thing that eventually breaks up the scar tissue that formed at the base of my cock from the surgery 10 years ago. It may just give me my original erect length back and add girth and strength to my tunica but I can tell right now, you have to do it slowly and carefully and not try and lift someone elses supposed cock weight. best,WWH stay away from surgeons. With this site you can strengthen and grow your dick based on sound time- tested principles of traction and mechanics and most importantly, you are in relative control. You go under a knife and you surrender all control to the Mercedes dealership around the corner. There is a very good reason why these guys carry lots of insurance and have you sign alot of forms pre op. Even if you get depressed and are feeling powerless, don’t ever go there unless you want to become an automatic victim. best,JelkyWAd glad to be of service


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