Thunder's Place

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Cutting of ligs to increase gains


Cutting of ligs to increase gains

Don’t worry, i’m not talking about getting out the bread knife…

I know this had already been discussed somewhat, but i was wondering what poeples’ opinions are on whether of not, getting penis lengthening surgery - but not severing all of the ligs (just the the majority) would speed up stretching / hanging gains…..

Would it be dangerous as there may be too much tension on the ligs?

What do you guys think?

Most likely it would speed up lig gains since there are less ligs to stretch, BUT…

First of all. It’s not the dangers of the hanging you want to be worrying about, it’s the dangers of the surgery. Really. More I find about it the less I want it. Did you know that the chance for succesful operation is only 50%?

Secondly, the stability of your erections would be gone. As the ligaments are cut, no matter how hard your penis is, it isn’t very stable and a number of people have complained about this making their sex lives worse.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

IMO, a partial cut or cortisone injections may help the rare guys who have a high LOT and don’t gain despite putting in plenty of time with adequate weight. For the majority of us it wouldn’t do any good. Ligs generally aren’t that hard to lengthen. You have to hang after surgery anyway.

PE surgery strikes me as being quite a racket, similar to exercise gadgets like ab crunchers, thigh masters and such. Buy this thing for $$$ and you’ll look fantastic. In barely legible print at the bottom it says “And follow a sensible diet program.” Well, it’s the diet that works, not the SuperAbercizer. Same thing here. Hanging lengthens the penis, not the surgery.

I would like to make a slight correction/clarfication to hobby’s post .

Instability issues arise from the fact that the dick is anchored farther from the body. Hold a pencil closer to one end and you will have more angles you can move it.
Just as you would without surgery.

You would have the same instability issues if you hanged without surgery.

This is not caused because of your ligaments being reduced in size.


surgery? nah! lets just try to keep PE natural (because PEing hanging/stretching is all natural, right? :D )


Sorry Hobby, I meant Base . Wrong quote.

Originally Posted by hobby
IMO, a partial cut or cortisone injections may help the rare guys who have a high LOT and don’t gain despite putting in plenty of time with adequate weight. For the majority of us it wouldn’t do any good. Ligs generally aren’t that hard to lengthen. You have to hang after surgery anyway.

I’m curious about this. Have cortisone injections been proven to work. I will admit, I know the effects cortisone has on collagen, and I definitely agree that it SHOULD (and probably does) work. BUT, has there been anyone who actually tried it … I read about someone who was going to try it a long time ago on PE Forums, but I don’t think they ever reported back as to the results.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

>I’m curious about this. Have cortisone injections been proven to work.

Antonio said it did for him. As you said, it seems it should work, though is not a do it yourself project.


Does that then mean that all longer dicks are more instabile? Actually the ligaments point of attachment rides up the shaft as they stretch (staying the same, but penis is “pulled out”), so it’s not really compared to that pencil analogy. If I understood the surgery correctly, they do it by cutting the ligs except the one on top. For me, this would seem like the reason for instability.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


Generally I think you are correct, but a long lig will still provide more stability that a cut one, no?


I had this operation back in 94’. I do not recommend it and it is far too risky. The scar tissue that forms can actually shorten your length. Your sensitivity can be damaged by nerve cutting. And using cortisone down there is just as dangerous imo. The shrinkage of tissue from injecting substances like kenalog can spread and shrink other tissue as well not just the ligament. Using injected steroids in an area that is so vulnerable to prostate cancer in the first place will provide serious risks to your life down the line imo. The surgery is great for the Urologist however. He makes a quick 5 or 7 grand or whatever and can make that down payment on the new Cadillac. Cutting the ligaments makes for floppy based erections. This definitely reduces your power while making love since there is no longer any firm resistance up against your lovers body from your base. Doctors won’t tell you this. It is the biggest downer of the surgery. Its hard to describe mechanically. If I wasn’t well endowed it would be hard for me to maintain alot of friction at multiple angles. If she’s riding on top of you and turns her ass to face you, your dick will just flop down towards your feet rather than resist her vagina. She has less resistance to ‘ride’ on. Don’t do it, whatever you do. In actuality no one gets longer from this surgery in the erect state, quite a few will shorten and the only ones who do get length get only the illusion of length since their dicks just fall a little lower in the flaccid state from their bodies, but their dicks don’t really look any longer. If your going doggy style you will no longer have the resistance at the base to both thrust and pull your penis up inside and to the top of her vagina. Your leverage is literally reduced by 75% I would say. For a man especially with a short penis this would be hell. The very best asset they have is pubic to pubic leverage and friction. Fortunately I have nearly 8 1/2 inches but I still would love to have my leverage back. This surgery as I write about it is basically a form of ‘fixing’ the hapless male who stumbles upon it. Oh also forget about standing up and doing your girlfriend while she climbs on top and wraps her legs around you. Sorry but if your ‘cut’ you have lost your leverage so your penis will thrust up and ‘stick’ inside her, resisting her pubic area and creating great friction. Instead it will ‘hang’ inside her at best and just tend to slide out, there is no Leverage. Understand? If you proceed with this surgery after this post you are an absolute idiot. I have done what I can to save you from the despair of suddenly learning you have been taken. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be of some kind of service on this Easter morning. best, JelkyWAd

This is something I considered myself. Read up on the procedure and it certainly seemed safer than he girth enhancing surgery. Also read a number of stories from guys who had it done, had gained up to several inches in length, and were blowing off what jwh has called resistance as no big deal. That was probably my biggest concern and they addressed it very nonchalantly. Than I went online and viewed the photos. NFW!! You’d have to be out of your mind to have that done to your cock. If these were the pics that the docs had approved to entice you, can you even begin to imagine the bad ones?

*puts the bread knife back in the draw*

That reminds me, I’ve got a loaf baking.

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