Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Darkening undershaft skin below the head and head pressure


Measured up early

Well i know i said i would give it another month at btc but today i could not hang because i had got some small scabs which peeled from around my japs eye and it stings too much to hang, this means i am gonna take a layoff until things are better, should be a few days to a week i think. Anyway i decided seeing as i wudnt be hanging i would measure up and sadly i can report no gain, i have kept track of my hanging over the last 3 weeks and the total comes to 44 hours which is just under 15 hours a week at max weights between 17.6 and 15.4 lbs. I felt good fatigue and had to drop as low as 6.6lbs on some days however i felt that the fatigue was more in my shaft sometimes than ligs.

As i have mentioned before i have a very low erection angle and now firmly belive this is why i can not gain hanging btc, please if anyone has gained from this position that has a low erection angle too then let me know. For now i will take a lay off and come back hanging ots and maybe straight out, i plan to put in a similar ammount of hours again and try to go a month before measuring up.

Its coming up to 8 months of pe for me with over 4 months of hanging and i have at most a 1/4 inch length gain and it seems my one ray of light has been my girth which when i measured today was at 5 1/4 inches which is a half inch gain on the 4 3/4 i started with, i just hope i havnt made a mistake with my measuring.

I refuse to give up on hanging and pe, does anyone have any advice for me, cheers,




It sounds as if you are going about it the right way. You gave the BTC angle a shot. Now, if you feel it just is not hitting your most limiting factor, then change. You are correct in not becoming discouraged. It might take awhile, but if you hang in there, you will see results.



Thanks bib i will keep you posted when i resume my hanging, i was thinking about purchasing the starter too but i hear you are stoping manufacturing them so i better get my skates on, cheers,




>i was thinking about purchasing the starter too but i hear you are stoping manufacturing them so i better get my skates on, cheers,<

I am not positive my son will be gone on Feb 22nd. The chance is good though. I am going to try and come up with a way to keep making them, but I am not going to personally do it.


Ok bib would i be best advised to purchase one before that date then?

Ah damn it i checked my girth again and it only came up as 5 inches, talk about a kick when your down, oh well as soon as i am ready to hang again i will be going for it harder than ever, even if it takes me 5 years to reach my goal (and the way things are going it probably could, lol) i will get there in the end,




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