Thunder's Place

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Darkening undershaft skin below the head and head pressure


Darkening undershaft skin below the head and head pressure

Hi, i have been hanging for 3 months now and currently hang 19.8lbs for around 2 hours or more a day in the btc position. I have seen some small gains but nothing particularly substantial and i think what i need is more hang time especially when fatigued.

My problem is not finding time but instead that i am still having trouble making the right hanger adjustments. Currently i wrap using just bandage as i am allergic to latex, what i do is outstretch my penis as far as i can then wrap all the way spiraling down my shaft.

I then keep my penis outstretched as i attach the hanger about 1/2 inch to 1 inch away from the glands making sure to sit my penis as low in the hanger as possible. I have the hanger looser at the base and tighter near the head in a kind of A shape like bib told me.

The hanger is then fastened as tight as possible whilst i keep my head squeezed to make sure i do not have to much blood in it. I then proceed to hang for 20 minutes.

My problem is this i read that you should squeeze out all the blood from the head but when i do this the hanger pinches so i leave a little in, however when i do this at the end of my set i have noticed blackening around my japs eye and also blackening on the under-shaft of my penis just below the head in the space between where the hanger is attached and my head.

After i hot wrap it fades a little but i now have some very distinctive discoloration that did not go away even after i took a 5 day lay off. It is because of my concerns over this discoloration and the pressure in my penis head whilst hanging that i have been having difficulties hanging for more than 2 hours a day, i did do some 4 hour days but at the end of them my penis looks like chopped liver. I was wondering if this is common among hangers, is there a way to stop the discoloration?

I tried attaching closer to the glands but when i do this i cannot fit my penis as low in the hanger and a vein gets pinched when i tighten, i then tried attaching further away from the head but the flap of skin between my balls and penis gets caught, so i don’t see any other position that would suit me better than the one i currently use however as i said this is causing blackening on my shaft. Sorry for the long post any help would be much appreciated, cheers,




> Hi, i have been hanging for 3 months now and currently hang 19.8lbs for around 2 hours or more a day in the btc position. I have seen some small gains but nothing particularly substantial and i think what i need is more hang time especially when fatigued.<

That is a lot of weight to get up to for only three months.

>My problem is not finding time but instead that i am still having trouble making the right hanger adjustments. <

If you have more available time, it would probably be best to cut the weight back, and hang longer. After you are hanging for your available amount of time, you can increase the weight when/if needed.

We will deal with the adjustments also.

>Currently i wrap using just bandage as i am allergic to latex, what i do is outstretch my penis as far as i can then wrap all the way spiraling down my shaft.<

What type of bandage? Is it thick? What is your wrapped flaccid girth measurement?

>I have the hanger looser at the base and tighter near the head in a kind of A shape like bib told me. <

We might be crossed up here. You might have the ‘A’ upside down, so to speak. I usually do not advise toeing-in which would be looser at the base and tighter near the head. I do advise trying toeing-out, which is wider at the head and narrower at the base.

Do you have the two bottom wing nuts on the right outer skid tightened before you apply the hanger?

>The hanger is then fastened as tight as possible whilst i keep my head squeezed to make sure i do not have to much blood in it. I then proceed to hang for 20 minutes.<

I assume from this that your head tends to swell after wrapping and before you can get the hanger on. This means the wrap is too tight for hanging, which can cause a lot of discoloration. If the wrapping material is very elastic, you might have to be careful about tightness. Just check and see. If you wrap, and the head starts to swell within a minute or two, it is too tight.

A couple other guys have had problems with wrap tightness lately. I guess it is an acquired skill. A little too tight and circulation is impeded. A little to loose and you might get pinching. After some experimentation, you should be able to get the correct tightness every time.

>My problem is this i read that you should squeeze out all the blood from the head but when i do this the hanger pinches so i leave a little in, however when i do this at the end of my set i have noticed blackening around my japs eye and also blackening on the under-shaft of my penis just below the head in the space between where the hanger is attached and my head. <

First, I always liked a little blood left in the head. You don’t have to squeeze all of it out, unless that is more comfortable. Now, where exactly is the hanger pinching that is solved by having blood in the head?

I think the ‘blackening’ is more a function of twenty pounds in three months. Your penis probably has not become strong enough in all facets to be able to handle that amount of weight, that fast. Check the wrap, but I think the biggest culprit is the lbs.

Now, you may need that much weight in order to impact the ligs and tunica to get gains. But you have to work up to it allowing the softer tissues to adjust to be able to handle the weight. Do not be impatient. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

>It is because of my concerns over this discoloration and the pressure in my penis head whilst hanging that i have been having difficulties hanging for more than 2 hours a day, i did do some 4 hour days but at the end of them my penis looks like chopped liver. I was wondering if this is common among hangers, is there a way to stop the discoloration?<

The pressure is a combination of wrap, blood in the head, and the amount of weight you are using. The discoloration issue is variable. I would get more discoloration after a layoff than when hanging continuously. Drop back on the weight, and see if you can hang longer. Maybe back to ten lbs. See if you can hang for the available time with ten. If you can without fatigue, then move up one pound the next day. If still no fatigue move up one pound again, etc.

>I tried attaching closer to the glands but when i do this i cannot fit my penis as low in the hanger and a vein gets pinched when i tighten,<

This must mean the type of wrap is not very stable if it allows the vein to be pinched. Some of the thinner sports wraps are like that. Usually when a guy writes about pinching, the wrap is a little too loose. But since you are not using Thera, it may be that the wrap is simply not very substantial. You might try a tougher wrap, or maybe a little more of it. Maybe double wrap, so when you tighten, the wrap gets pinched and not the vein. Just not too tight.

>i then tried attaching further away from the head but the flap of skin between my balls and penis gets caught,<

Can you wrap the flap also to prevent pinching?

Write back and we can get this solved. Or if this works, let us know.


thanks bib

Thanks for the respnse bib, i will give your sugestions a try and get back to you on the wrapped girth measurements. I think you are right when you say i moved up to fast in weight, i was up to 17.6lbs by the end of my first month and although i believe my ligs can handle this weight well, the rest of my penis probably cannot. I will cut back weight and hang for longer and see if i fatigue like you suggested, i will also adjust the hanger so it grips more at the base, cheers,




Well i have just completed 4 hours hanging at 11lbs and although i did not reach fatigue i feel this has shown me that too much weight was causing most of my problems. At this lower weight my skin did not seem to darken as much and although them tip of my penis head did show some slight blueness at the end of a few sets it did not feel cold and returned to normal in minutes. My wrapped flaccid girth is about 4.5inches, the material i use is a first aid bandage and is not particularly tough so when i increase weight i think i will have to either double wrap or find something stronger like you suggested. Having the hanger tighter at the bottom also felt much better, i am going to try and hang for the same amount of time tomorrow but at a few lbs higher to see whether i can fatigue my ligs, if i cant then like you said i will just gradually increase until i reach a point where i can fatigue. Ideally i would like to fatigue at about the halfway point of my days hanging and then hang at lower weights through this fatigue. I do blasters when i hang and they definatly feel like they are helping. I also do jai’s in between sets when i hot wrap and also more jai’s throughout the day, i am hoping combining these with hanging will have a positive effect on my pe progress. Thanks again for your help and i will let you know how i get on, cheers,




Sounds like you have it going now. Keep us posted.


Bib & Jack

I too have darkening. I think that it is from a combo of hanging and jelqing. My wife worries sometimes that my dick is going to fall off. Like DLD says, some discoloration is part and parcel to PE.


You said once that you used Arnica. Is that a cream or salve? Was it effective? If so, where did you get it?

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


Well i moved up to 13.2lbs today and hung at that weight for 8 sets before lowering to 11lbs for the next 2 and then 8.8lbs for the last 2. The lowering of weoght was more due to skin soreness than actual fatigue i feel and tommorow i plan to up the weight a bit again and hopefully get some proper fatigue. The darkening of my skin is still a problem though not as much as when i hung at higher weight, i feel this is just something i am gonna have to deal with when i finally go back to hanging heavier. What is this arnica by the way, is it good at removing disscoloration? Cheers,



toid and jtl,

I found the arnica and wraping to be the ticket for me. However, it seems others have not had the same results. At least they do not post about it.

The only arnica montana I have found that is really effective is; Arniflora, Arnica Gel made by Boericke and Tafel. I always get it from GNC. It will take out just about any bruise anywhere for me. It even took off a couple of spots on my head that I had had from birth I guess.

There is a wrapping for discoloration thread in this seciton that explains the wraping well.


Be sure and take it easy. Don’t go back up in weight too fast now.



Thanks Bib i will see if i can get hold of some of that arnica and give it a try. I think i have found the weight that a plan to stay on, for a while at least, today i started at 15.4lbs and after 6 sets began to feel fatigue so i reduced to 13.2lbs and after 2 sets had to reduce to 11lbs, which is what i stayed at for my remaining 4 sets. I know my ligs can handle more weight but at the moment i am not experiencing as much head pressure or bruising as i had been at higher weight and this comes as great relief to me. I am yet to experience total fatigue, i guess this will come when my whole penis is able to handle higher weight and therefor my ligs will really start to be targeted. Anyway i will keep you posted on how i get on, cheers.



jtl, might i be so forward as to offer some comments in addition to those of the pros.

1. Wrap the head as well as the shaft. Thera on top of the underwrap should not be a allergy concern.

2, Remove the wrap after each 20 minute session. Lightly jelq to return all circulation before re-wrapping.

3. Tighten hanger continuously as you apply weight slowly taking at least 30 seconds to let the total weight be supported by penis. The hanger neeeds to be quite tight to hang 20# up.

4. I have experienced no discoloration using the above and hang more weight than you in about the same length time hanging.


Thanks bud, i actually gave thera another go today, like you suggested wrapping my whole penis with an underwrap before wrapping with thera, i had to make a few hanger adjustments but when i got it right it felt much more comfortable whilst hanging. Bruising was not so apparent today however i still have a little trouble with head pressure it would seem as i got several bloodspots on my head. Things are improving though and i am confident i will resolve all my hanging problems soon. How long have you been hanging then bud, at what weight and for how many hours a day, what angle to you hang and have you seen any gains? Cheers,



jtl, glad you are more comfortable hanging. i started haging with the bib starter sept 1, 2002 at 5# btc increasing 1.25# each week until i got to 12.5# at which time i switched over to the full sized bib hanger. hung at all angles but decided to concentrate on ots as i did not want so much lig stretch as to reduce my straight out erection angle. i hang in lying in bed with a rope pulley mounted directly over my head with the weights going down from pulley such that i get the full pull on the hanger without friction loss. hang 3 or 4 @ 20 minute sets each day and in succession…not spread throughout day. i find that a handle on the pull rope allows easing into the load as well as allowing 10 second breaks for kegels. this greatly improves comfort relative to just hanging the dead weight for 20 minutes. with handle i pull taking weight off momentarily and immediately let it come down giving quite a pull for a few seconds. then repeat maybe 50 times. i also feel removing the wrap and light jelqiing for the 10 minutes between set is important. i measured after hanging 3 months and 2 weeks rest. got 1.5” bpel gain from 5.75” to 7.25” didn’t check girth. am now hanging equal time ots and straight down 3 or 4 20min sets. also jelq and hand stretch probably 30 min a day. am hanging 22.5# and never hang less as i don’t want my body to think it will get relief. only increase 1.25# every other week now and will stop at 30#. am hoping you have good results with your method. bud


Wow is all i can say, those are some really impressive gains, what are your nbp gains? Do you feel more fatigued hanging ots than hanging btc? I always get the best fatigue hanging btc but like you i have a straight out erection angle. I am gonna give btc one more month, i will continue to hang 4 hours a day, if i dont have a gain by the time i measure up then i think i will concentrate on ots and straight out as it seems us low erection angle guys have a tough time gaining hanging btc. This may sound supid but where exactly can i get a pully from and are they expensive, also i dont know how tough my ceiling is and i dont think my parents would appreciate it if i put a hole in it, lol. Thanks for your responses and i will keep you posted on how my progress goes, cheers,



jtl, i use a 0.25” diameter nylon rope and same size rope pulley available at any hardware store for $1.50 in usa. just screw a ‘j’ bolt into the wall or ceiling stud and put the pulley on it which has a swivel eye. wall is better as you can pull toward chin for a few days and turn 180* in bed and pull straight down. the handle really makes it nice for doing dld’s and all the other adaptations to hanging members have come up with. plus i drop the weight a few inches causing momentary very high loading but be careful. as to my gains i went back and reviewed and looked at the measurements 3 were 1.5” and 3 were 1.375” so to be accurate an average would be less than 1.5”. i am probably 4 times your age and gains are far more rapid for old men than young men. firstly, some of gain was old age shrinkage eliminated by strengthening penis but mainly it is the fact that old ligs are looser/weaker than young and stretch much easier. same with the elastin/collagen of the penis. so this is the only endeavour that i know of where age is a benefit. you will get gains with the obvious determination you have. best of luck. bud


Thanks very much for the info and the encouragement, cheers,



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