> Hi, i have been hanging for 3 months now and currently hang 19.8lbs for around 2 hours or more a day in the btc position. I have seen some small gains but nothing particularly substantial and i think what i need is more hang time especially when fatigued.<
That is a lot of weight to get up to for only three months.
>My problem is not finding time but instead that i am still having trouble making the right hanger adjustments. <
If you have more available time, it would probably be best to cut the weight back, and hang longer. After you are hanging for your available amount of time, you can increase the weight when/if needed.
We will deal with the adjustments also.
>Currently i wrap using just bandage as i am allergic to latex, what i do is outstretch my penis as far as i can then wrap all the way spiraling down my shaft.<
What type of bandage? Is it thick? What is your wrapped flaccid girth measurement?
>I have the hanger looser at the base and tighter near the head in a kind of A shape like bib told me. <
We might be crossed up here. You might have the ‘A’ upside down, so to speak. I usually do not advise toeing-in which would be looser at the base and tighter near the head. I do advise trying toeing-out, which is wider at the head and narrower at the base.
Do you have the two bottom wing nuts on the right outer skid tightened before you apply the hanger?
>The hanger is then fastened as tight as possible whilst i keep my head squeezed to make sure i do not have to much blood in it. I then proceed to hang for 20 minutes.<
I assume from this that your head tends to swell after wrapping and before you can get the hanger on. This means the wrap is too tight for hanging, which can cause a lot of discoloration. If the wrapping material is very elastic, you might have to be careful about tightness. Just check and see. If you wrap, and the head starts to swell within a minute or two, it is too tight.
A couple other guys have had problems with wrap tightness lately. I guess it is an acquired skill. A little too tight and circulation is impeded. A little to loose and you might get pinching. After some experimentation, you should be able to get the correct tightness every time.
>My problem is this i read that you should squeeze out all the blood from the head but when i do this the hanger pinches so i leave a little in, however when i do this at the end of my set i have noticed blackening around my japs eye and also blackening on the under-shaft of my penis just below the head in the space between where the hanger is attached and my head. <
First, I always liked a little blood left in the head. You don’t have to squeeze all of it out, unless that is more comfortable. Now, where exactly is the hanger pinching that is solved by having blood in the head?
I think the ‘blackening’ is more a function of twenty pounds in three months. Your penis probably has not become strong enough in all facets to be able to handle that amount of weight, that fast. Check the wrap, but I think the biggest culprit is the lbs.
Now, you may need that much weight in order to impact the ligs and tunica to get gains. But you have to work up to it allowing the softer tissues to adjust to be able to handle the weight. Do not be impatient. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
>It is because of my concerns over this discoloration and the pressure in my penis head whilst hanging that i have been having difficulties hanging for more than 2 hours a day, i did do some 4 hour days but at the end of them my penis looks like chopped liver. I was wondering if this is common among hangers, is there a way to stop the discoloration?<
The pressure is a combination of wrap, blood in the head, and the amount of weight you are using. The discoloration issue is variable. I would get more discoloration after a layoff than when hanging continuously. Drop back on the weight, and see if you can hang longer. Maybe back to ten lbs. See if you can hang for the available time with ten. If you can without fatigue, then move up one pound the next day. If still no fatigue move up one pound again, etc.
>I tried attaching closer to the glands but when i do this i cannot fit my penis as low in the hanger and a vein gets pinched when i tighten,<
This must mean the type of wrap is not very stable if it allows the vein to be pinched. Some of the thinner sports wraps are like that. Usually when a guy writes about pinching, the wrap is a little too loose. But since you are not using Thera, it may be that the wrap is simply not very substantial. You might try a tougher wrap, or maybe a little more of it. Maybe double wrap, so when you tighten, the wrap gets pinched and not the vein. Just not too tight.
>i then tried attaching further away from the head but the flap of skin between my balls and penis gets caught,<
Can you wrap the flap also to prevent pinching?
Write back and we can get this solved. Or if this works, let us know.