Difference in Lig pull and Tunica Pull
Hi all, still pretty new Hanging, I have a quick question. Can anyone describe the difference in “feelings” between the pull of lig stretching and tunica stretching? The type of hanging I am doing now is hanging straight down (standing up, letting weight dangle below and sometimes swing it slightly) and also BTC. I usually do 1 set of hanging straight down and then 2 sets of BTC, each for 20mins. I know that BTC is good for lig stretching and I do get fatigued so I feel that. What is hanging straight down good for? I usually get this nice stretching feeling that runs all the way up to my abdomen, now would that be ligs or the tunica? I heard that straight out hanging is good for the tunica, so would hanging straight down be the same concept, only standing up? So far from hanging for about 3 weeks, I’ve gained about .2” BPEL, and about .4” NBPEL if that makes sense. I’ve been doing manual exercises for about 5 months before hanging. I’m at 6.6” BPEL, 5.9NBPEL and girth is about 4.8”, little big larger at base. I want to increase girth so I have starting jelquing and doing squeezes after hanging. Thanks….