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Lig & Tunica Fatigue

Lig & Tunica Fatigue

I have been riding out 12.5 pounds for 80-100 minutes per day. Sometimes, if I do 3 or more sets in a row, I drop down to 10. Once every while, I will start off the day with a 15 pound hang to shake things up a bit. I am hanging SD with a few SO sets mixed in. When the SD hanging gets rough or I drop weight, I get a lighter stretch on the ligs with SO and a fantastic pull. My fatigue is noticeable, but not unbearable. I have had a deep stretch switching back and forth with SD & SO hanging. I remember the veterans saying to ride out fatigue as long as possible. I remember reading somewhere the veterans saying unless erection strength goes down noticeably or moderate bruising occurs, to keep riding. Is this true? Should there be a mandatory day off when riding out fatigue regardless?

Formerly known as Sex&Guns. R.I.P.

Mr. S&G - you do not want to stop riding the fatigue. Ideally you should be riding that fatigue 24 hours a day to have plastic deformation happen and maximum growth to occour. However, it is easy to over-do the fatigue ride in which case you will definitely need a day or two off to recoup. I suggest keeping up the kegals when you are fatigued as it seems to help me recover a little faster.

As long as you keep the weight lighter with fatigue I see no problems. Remember: No pain = gain! …. Okay so that was lame, what do you expect from a drunk hobo?

-Tom “Riding the Rails” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

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