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Tunica and Lig Exercise question


Tunica and Lig Exercise question

I was wondering, if doing both Tunica and Ligs in the same routine would counteract each other in any way? Here’s the routine:

-Basic Stretches
-Thumb Tunica Stretches
-V-Stretches (Upwards, all the way up and down the shaft)
-DLD Blasters
-JAI Stretches
-V-Stretches (Downward)
-Squatting Stretches
-Basic Stretches


One time Bib said it would, but I’m pretty sure DLD did both when he started (and still does both).

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and I am still a little undecided. I must ponder this some more.

At the moment, I think working both would be useful only if you are an easy gainer. For hardgainers it would be more beneficial to concentrate all stress on one area.


I guess it depends on your LOT. If you have a low LOT, it’s not that including lig exercises will be counterproductive as such, but it seems you would be getting little reward for your efforts.


I don’t think so. I can’t see how lengthening the ligs would affect tunica stretching, other than taking time from each other. I think Bib stressed work the ligs first if you have a high LOT as lig gains are quicker than tunica gains, and you can get the easier gains faster…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I was not clear enough on my above post.

With a high LOT, yes, always work the ligs.

This is the long version;

If you have a low LOT, and your LOT temporarily rises during a tunica stretch session, is it beneficial to then stretch the ligs? Well, if you are an easy gainer, it may be beneficial to do so.

For example if it took 30 minutes of stretching to raise your LOT from 6 to 9 (made up numbers), then by stretching down for 30 minutes you can get that much time lig stretching. Some people can gain from 30 minutes of lig stretching everyday. So for these easy gainers, it would be a good idea to do so.

For the rest of us, it would take a lot longer for LOT to rise, even temporarily. For example again, after 6 weeks of hanging for two hours per day LOT might temporarily rise, (probably accompanied by a FSL gain), but it would not be beneficial to work the ligs in this instance, because it may take a long time (perhaps months) of specific lig work to gain anyway. You might as well ride the fatigue created from upward stretching.

Good Luck

I say keep it simple and train both no matter what your LOT is. Maybe lean more torwards tunica or ligs depending on your LOT. But I only started tunica stretching over the past 4 months or so. Up to this point it was strictly lig stretching. I see a lot of men getting discouraged because they have a low LOT and it seems like they have failed before they even start. The information on if LOT changes seems to be inconclusive and until this factor is known for sure I will continue to train both…just to be safe.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Squatting stretches? I don’t know those. Can you tell me the way you do them? ^_^

I started to include some stuff from your routine.


Squatting stretches are where you squat down, and hold your penis with one of your hands (I like to use both my hands and put my penis on the ground with my hands covering it up.) Then I rise very slowly getting a really intense stretch. If you do these, be very careful. I do them in 15 second intervals.


'I won't be the one left behind, you can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind.'

Oh, I see. It seems I have tried something alike. Gotta include them in my routine then.


Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
The information on if LOT changes seems to be inconclusive and until this factor is known for sure I will continue to train both…just to be safe.

I concur..but I’m a lazy fuck so I’ll probably just concentrate on tunica right now for the hell of it.

Hmm… I can’t help commenting on your stretching routine.

I do these stretches all rolled up into two exercises but I alternate each night.

I’ll work my LOT (which is 10:00- pretty high) by stretching straight down, I always keep my knees bent and thrust my pubic bone out as far as I can while pulling down. Sort of like a wasp arching its abdomen out to sting you. With the pubic bone being pushed forward, I am doing a reverse kegel while doing my downward pull stretch. I do 50 of these at 5 seconds each. I am technically squatting the whole way through since my knees are bent, but sometimes I REALLY squat as in I bend my knees far enough to lower myself about a little more than a foot or so from the ground.

Also, when I do DLD blasters I sometimes pivot my dick off of my wrist in the A stretch closer to my glans which I do feel pretty much my stretching for my tunica that the thumb stretch would give.

I guess you can combine exercises then?

Oh well just making an observation.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

I do squat streches too. Seems like it gives the best stretch. I put my arms on my legs when i straighten my legs. MAN what a stretch!!!!!!

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

Originally posted by ItsElectric
Squatting stretches are where you squat down, and hold your penis with one of your hands (I like to use both my hands and put my penis on the ground with my hands covering it up.) Then I rise very slowly getting a really intense stretch. If you do these, be very careful. I do them in 15 second intervals.


I tried something that sounds like a bastardization of this. What I did, was squat down and I actually put the head of my dick under the heel of my foot. With my foot holding my dick to the floor, I pushed myself up slowly by lifting my body with my arms on the toilet behind me. I got a good stretch, but it was such an awkward position that I only did it that one time.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

I must be getting fatter, I just tried stepping on my dick again to see if I could keep it there and lift myself up in a more comfortable position. I did this right here in front of my puter, btw. Hehe, not a very good idea when I have a five year old that wakes up to piss every two or three hours. Anyway, I couldn’t get my dick to even reach my foot. This is sad, every time I lose weight I get it right back. :o /

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

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