>The material is pretty elastic. If I don’t wrap tight enough my skin pinches between the top and bottom gaps. I will try the Theraband again. <
OK, this is a little hard to explain, so bear with me. It might help some other guys too. When you wrap, you want a solid bundle so that no pinching occurs. Fine. Now also, you want the wrap loose enough so that blood will circulate. Fine. On the surface, these two things are at cross purposes. The key is in the consistancy of the wrap, specifically, the elasticity. With a material elastic enough, you can still wrap with enough tension to provide a solid bundle, no pinching, and yet still provide for circulation.
When you wrap, there is at least some pressure on the blood vessels. When you attach the hanger, the hanger deforms the wrap, actually making it tighter. So then, you have to make sure the TOTAL pressure while wrapped, and with the hanger tightened, is low enough to allow for circulation.
So, how do you do this without having the wrap so loose you get pinching? Elastic wrap. With something like Theraband, you can wrap with just a little tension, it gives a solid bundle, prevents pinching, and yet is extremely elastic and therefore gives when the hanger is attached, and allows for circulation.
Try this test: I can take a piece of 1.5 inch wide Theraband, grasp it in each hand with my forefingers one inch apart, and then stretch it out six inches with minimal force. Very elastic. Then, I can take the same size piece of sweat shirt material and only stretch it one inch. Not too elastic.
I did not always like using only Theraband when hanging because of skin irritation. When my skin was a little beaten up, I would use the sweat shirt material underwrap. First, a layer of the SS material, very loosely wrapped. Just tight enough to hold it on, and only a layer or two. Then, I would wrap the Theraband over the SS material. Skin comfort with a good bit of elasticity, and a very solid bundle.
Also, I wanted to try wrapping with spandex type material, but never got the chance. I reached my goals before I could try it. Someone might experiment, and let us know how that would work. I actually shopped for some on day, but the spandex I found seemed too thin.
>I’ve tried clamping down like you said, but everything just squeezes through the hanger untill pressure meets the glans. Very uncomfortable.<
OK, if that is the case, the bottom adjustments are too far out, there is not enough tension, and your shaft is ‘flowing’ through the hanger. You see, you want to pull the head out, or at least not tighten the hanger while pushing forward, because this will not allow you to grasp as much of the internal structures.