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Feedback on the Low erection people and hanging

Feedback on the Low erection people and hanging

Hows everybody doing with this. I have been hanging from just below straight out and UP and I am fatigued EVERY day. I tried to hang BTC just to see if I needed it yet and I still cant fatigue there. I will continue to hang in these positions as long as I am getting fatigued. Then I will try BTC again. I believe I am getting great gains and I cant wait to get home from work and start the week.


Hey Johnnygate its great to hear that you have found different angels working for you, did u ever get fatigued in the btc postion? What wieight do you currently hang, and for how many sets, if you could continue with the updates on how your progress is going and whether you are making gains from these new angles that would be great as i to have a low erection angle and am wondering if strait out or ots will be best for me, cheers,



I only got fatigued in the BTC position the first week I started hanging. Then for months of hanging BTC, nothing. I am working with 10 lbs to 18 lbs and that is MORE then enough. I lay on the side of my bed and hang the weights over the edge of the bed but I actually use a dumb bell and rest the edge of the dumb bell on the edge of the bed and vary the weight. I never let it hang totally off the bed yet so I cant do the 18 lbs yet. I hang about 6 sets a day. Aprox 2 to 2/12 hours every night when the kids are asleep…. I havent measured yet except once and I made an 1/8 inch gain in two and a half weeks of hanging this way. I only made an 1/8 hanging BTC for 5 months before this. Im on my say 5th week now and i will measure again after my eighth week. Hope I gained something but I cant see me not gaining anything I am sore EVERY day. I can feel that I may need to take a short break say 2 days then Hit it hard to get like 10 sets in and break through so to say. I can feel that I need to hang longer to get the thicker fibers to break down. I can feel its harder to get fatigued now but I know its just a matter of hang time and I can get the gains. I believe that this position is going to work for me. I just hope I can find the hang time! I think hang time is the Key once you find the positions that fatigue you….

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