Lig Pops are good!!
Most guys into hanging have experienced lig pops and they are just the lig extending under force.
The explanation —so far in our inexact science— is that some ligs are shorter than others and these take all of the force and give way with relatively small weights early in your hanging career.
Eventually— as must be my case, you end up with all the ligs the same length, and then the force needed to extend them is much higher.
Tha’s why experienced hangers need to use more weight , and it can become—-is this me?? —- a case of diminishing returns.
No-one here— or at PE Forum— to my knowlege —- has reported any pain or ill effect associated with lig pops.
Enjoy your pops while you can. I haven’t had one for ages.
Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"
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