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Five hanging questions

Originally Posted by ziggaman

I have examined that area, and I am not sure how to judge whether I am attached high or low. How might I do this?

Hell if I know. Just kidding (sort of). Try pulling your dick straight out at 90deg to your body. Reach down and touch your pubic bone. If the dorsal surface of you shaft is roughly aligned with the top of your pubic bone, you probably have a lot of lig potential. On the other hand, if it’s more aligned with the bottom of your pubic bone, you probably don’t.

Originally Posted by ziggaman

Actually, I feel a lot of umcomfortable pressure on my glans when I hang SO. I can’t make the Wench any tighter, so I’m not sure what to do about that.

Try squeezing out the blood from your glans before you tighten the Wench. You might also try attaching the wench a little further back, toward your body. Play with adjustments, such as tow. Towing out a bit, so that the front of the Wench is wider than the back, may go a long way toward relieving the pressure.

Take it slow and easy. Some of the pressure may also be your penis adjusting to the new angle. You’re probably stretching blood vessels, nerves, and other structures that have never been stretched before. With time, these structures will grow and you’ll feel more comfortable.

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Hey MM,

I’m not trying to bust on you but I think it is probably very difficult to determine a high or low contact point for ligs to the pelvis. Without something to compare to I doubt if an individual can make that determination about themselves. I not sure how you did it. I think you’ve come upon something that has real merit but without a guy having felt the ligament attachment area on many many guys, like a urologist might, I wonder if we can come to any substantive conclusions for any individual.

It just could be that if Zigga is especially tender to SO as opposed to SD then that might be just the thing that will give him gains. A lot of guys report that BTC is tough stuff. That they can’t handle nearly as much weight doing it as opposed to SD hanging. Perhaps for them That’s what they should spend time on. This is a very interesting approach and would be an interesting thing to follow if a few guys would pursue finding what is the most tender angle to hang at. Work that until it quits giving results then move on the next sensitive angle.

One thing needs to be mentioned here and that is: If it is a tender angle then lighten up on the weight and pursue it slowly. Write down your gains every week or three (3 is better) and see where it takes you then give substantive feedback here in the forum.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by Monty530
Hey MM,
I’m not trying to bust on you but I think it is probably very difficult to determine a high or low contact point for ligs to the pelvis.


No offense taken. I’m thinking of Bib, who specifically stated that his shaft was attached very high on his pubic bone. He claimed to know this by feel and also appearance. The pubic symphysis is probably close to 2” long. You may not be able to tell exactly where your unit is attached, but you can probably tell whether it’s very close to the top or very close to the bottom. That may be enough.

I suggested Ziggy use this method because I no longer believe that LOT is an accurate predictor of lig potential. I’ve explained my reasons for thinking this here. Another test is required.

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So in your opinion then would working the weaker of two angles be more effective then the one you can hang the most comfortable in?

IOW Even if your theory is correct, reguardless of your begining physical construct, the weaker of any hanging angle should give greater gains. At least that’s what I would like to theorize.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights


You should focus on the weaker angle, but only if “weaker” is defined as “more easily stretched.” It’s possible that a tissue could be tender when stressed but still a bitch to stretch. The subjective feeling that a tissue is under tension may have nothing to do with it’s actual stretchability. Focus on the angle that’s most productive. When gains stop, either up the weight or focus on a different angle.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Thank you Modesto

I understand now how to judge what is high and low on my pubic bone. What is more difficult is to tell, whether my ligs are attached high or low (I can’t tell what is skin, and what is ligs when I tug my penis and palpate that area.

I would have thought that when gains occur, it is not the ligs ‘peeling back off the pubic bone’, but the ligs simply elongating, and seeming to join further up the penis shaft.

I think I have observed this happening on my own shaft, but I can’t be sure.

My routine has been jelqing and manual stretching based since I started last May, and I’m assuming a good deal of my gains are lig based.

By the way, your analysis of LOT theory great stuff, and a sorely needed re-examination of what is happening down there.

I feel a bit dyslexic when trying to work out your simulator. I’m not sure how to use it exactly. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is very clear, but I’m not very good at that sort of thing. The numbers and the tugback stuff baffles me. I think I am a bit numerically dyslexic! :smack:

Originally Posted by ziggaman
Thank you Modesto

I understand now how to judge what is high and low on my pubic bone. What is more difficult is to tell, whether my ligs are attached high or low (I can’t tell what is skin, and what is ligs when I tug my penis and palpate that area.

That’s why I like the idea of pulling your unit straight out, and then following the line of its dorsal surface directly back into your body. It might be easier to palpate along the side of your shaft rather than along the top. Hey, I ain’t sayin’ it’s easy. But we need to use our imaginations if we can’t rely on LOT Theory to judge lig potential.

Originally Posted by ziggaman
I would have thought that when gains occur, it is not the ligs ‘peeling back off the pubic bone’, but the ligs simply elongating, and seeming to join further up the penis shaft.

Bib described it to me like this: The ligs attach to the shaft along the entire front surface of the pubic symphysis. I’ve attached a drawing below that shows this. As you stretch down (such as with BTC) the lig bundles toward the top of the pubic symphysis take most of the stress. Those further back take less. But as those top bundles stretch, force from downward pulling is transferred further back. Eventually, the front fibers become long, but the back fibers pretty much stay the same. The result is effectively to peel back the shaft from the pubic symphysis.

When this happens, the top bundles sort of pull out along with the shaft. You might actually see them reaching down your shaft. They may no longer bear any stress, but they’re still there.

The simulator ignores those stretched out fibers. The lig line (blue line) represents only the fibers that actually bear the force.

I think it would be pretty difficult to pull your entire shaft down and away from your pubic symphysis, i.e., to elongate all the fibers without moving back the attachment point. There’s a lot of tissue there to stress at once. Also, downward stretching is always going to hit the top fibers first.

Originally Posted by ziggaman
I think I have observed this happening on my own shaft, but I can’t be sure.

My routine has been jelqing and manual stretching based since I started last May, and I’m assuming a good deal of my gains are lig based.


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Last edited by ModestoMan : 03-25-2005 at .

Originally Posted by ziggaman
By the way, your analysis of LOT theory great stuff, and a sorely needed re-examination of what is happening down there.

I keep waiting for somebody to point out some obvious mistake in the analysis. I’m glad the model is working. It beats the hell out of taking about tables and pulleys and stuff. Those discussions always made my head spin.

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See MM I think that’s the point. If a guy is doing nothing but SO or SU then according to your model he is changing the structual contact point very little whereas if he is doing exclusively SO then he will effectively change that structural contact point very radically. You seem to be taking the position that the structual contact point of the ligs attachment position is relative to gains but it also seems that if that change of position amounts to a 2 inch area that that would be the most that person could gain. In effect the ligs wouldn’t be stretching at all just relocating their pivote point.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

<<I feel a bit dyslexic when trying to work out your simulator. I’m not sure how to use it exactly. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is very clear, but I’m not very good at that sort of thing. The numbers and the tugback stuff baffles me. I think I am a bit numerically dyslexic!>>Zigg

I think you as suffering from dyscalculia. There is no need to worry - most of the population has it to a greater or lesser extent!:)

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"


The structural contact point along the pubic symphysis is an important indicator of potential lig gains because peeling back the attachment along the PS turns more inner penis into outer penis.

But I’m only talking about lig gains here. You can get shaft gains by tugging at any angle. Therefore, 2” is probably not the most anybody can gain—it’s just the most lig gains that are possible assuming the ligs start out attached very high.

I think the ideal hanging position for lig gains is probably BTC, not SO (I think you meant to say SD). BTC will change the attachment point along the PS most directly.

Notice in the model that, for most settings, hanging SD takes all tension off the inner penis. Therefore, all the tension is borne by the ligs. The model doesn’t show a BTC angle, but you get the idea.

Hanging SO generally divides the tension between the ligs and the inner penis. I doubt it can change the attachment point very much—at least not without a lot of force or sideways stretching. It could be very effective at stretching the shaft, however.

Here is where LOT is still a useful concept. The higher your LOT, the more effective SO will be in stretching the ligs. LOT is really a measure of the angle at which the connection back to the inner penis lost. By this I mean you can’t apply any tension to your inner penis below your LOT. Because of variations in tugback strength, the situation isn’t as clear above your LOT. Most people can still get a good lig stretch by hanging an hour or so above their LOT.

So, if your LOT is 8, hanging SO (at 9:00) will probably still hit your ligs pretty hard. Hanging at 10:00 is probably too high.

You can see this on the model. It helps to have a roller mouse. Select any angle and then roll the wheel. To hit your ligs the hardest, look for an angle that makes the lig line (blue) turn heavy but makes the inner penis (inside red line) turn light. Any angle that satisfies this condition exclusively hits the ligs.

It works the same way for the inner penis. Any angle that makes the inner penis line heavy but makes the lig line light exclusively hits the inner penis.

Any angle that makes both structures heavy splits the load between them.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

A practical question:

Do you hangers, take off the wrap while you’re resting between sets?


Originally Posted by ziggaman
A practical question:

Do you hangers, take off the wrap while you’re resting between sets?


I don’t and it also helps expand the glands.

Thanks SNM

I have been. Just because I wanted to shake it about a bit, and make sure the blood got back into the glands.

I was also told (and it seems like good common sense to me) that it is better to try and keep the glands small as opposed to expanded, while one is hanging.

Do you mean that in the long run it has helped to make your glands bigger?



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