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Five hanging questions


Five hanging questions

#1: I have a low LOT of about 7. Do you think it’s worth me starting off with hanging straight down, or is this a total waist of time?

#2: If I’m hanging with about 2.5 K, and finding it a breeze to do 20 minutes, should I up the weight, even though I’m fairly new to hanging?

#3a: Is it normal that when I’m hanging ‘straight down’ I can take a hell of a lot more weight than if I hang ‘SO’?

#3b: Is this in itself a sign that maybe I should hang SO or at an even higher angle?

#4: My current method of hanging SO is: lying on my front, with my legs on my bed, my upper body on a chair with my head sticking out the back, so that my central torso and pelvis are suspended in mid-air, and the weights are hanging straight down towards the ground. Is their an easier way to hang SO?



Thank you for organizing your questions so well and stating them so concisely! Refreshing around here, as you well know ;)

1. Start with whatever angle is most convenient for you. If you fail to gain at a low angle, try a higher one. Many guys’ experiences, including my own, have not conformed to the predictions of LOT theory.

2. How many sets of 20 minutes are you doing? Most guys agree that total time is much more important than weight in making hanging gains. I would recommend trying to increase your number of sets until you do reach exhaustion. At the very beginning, however, as you are suggesting, I wouldn’t worry about reaching exhaustion at all; in fact, you’ll be safer not really stressing your penis too severely the first few weeks, as you adjust.

3a. There’s no “normal” when it comes to weight-angle relationships — lots of individual differences. But yes, your specific experience is not uncommon.

3b. Not really. The only deeply important “sign” will be gains. Sorry, I know that’s obvious, but it’s true :) Feel free to switch right away to higher angles if you’re more comfortable with that, though.

4. Sitting in a chair.

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Thanks a lot Goomba :up:

but could you be a little more specific about hanging SO in a chair?

Anybody else out there got any suggestions for hanging SO, or any other angles on my other questions.

Also: Does anybody else here swing their weights while they’re hanging? It feels pretty good.

Originally Posted by Ramrod
Sit in the chair, put a broomstick across your thighs and hang the weight over the stick with a rope or cord.

Of course! :smack: Why didn’t I think of it before?

Thanks Ram! :thumbs:

About swinging. Yes, it can feel effective because it puts the stress on one side of the ligs. The problem, I think, with swinging is that you are not applying a continuous load on the lig bundles. You’re splitting the time up into a few seconds on the left side, a few seconds on the right side, and so on.

A hanger is better off doing a complete set stressing one side of the ligs.

Zigg, you mentioned that you do SO while laying face down. Say you do 6/20 SO sets like that in a day. Two sets facing straight down, two sets laying on your right side, and two sets laying on your left side.*

Compare that to 6 sets of swinging the weight while laying face down. Which is going to more beneficial?

*Laying on your side is essentially the same as OTL, over the leg.

I’m not suggesting you vary angles while hanging. I think it is a wate of time. You should stick to the “divide and conquer” routine. Attack one lig bundle at a time.
However, sometimes it can help to vary your angle slightly.

In other words, while hanging BTC, do a couple of sets of UTL, under the leg, by leaning to one side in the chair. You can do the same thing with SD in a chair.
You don’t want to do a BTC and OTS at the same time though.

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Originally Posted by ziggaman
#1: I have a low LOT of about 7. Do you think it’s worth me starting off with hanging straight down, or is this a total waist of time?

Palpate your pubic bone as you pull your penis straight out. Does it feel like your penis is attached to the very top of your pubic bone, or lower down? Ignoring LOT for a moment, the most direct way to find out whether you have lig potential is to learn where on your pubic bone your penis is attached. If it’s attached high, you have lig potential; if it’s attached low, you probably don’t.

Originally Posted by ziggaman
#2: If I’m hanging with about 2.5 K, and finding it a breeze to do 20 minutes, should I up the weight, even though I’m fairly new to hanging?

According to received wisdom, hanging should never be a breeze. You should strive to feel fatigue on every set. If you’re breezing though your sets, you should probably raise the weight.

Originally Posted by ziggaman
#3a: Is it normal that when I’m hanging ‘straight down’ I can take a hell of a lot more weight than if I hang ‘SO’?
#3b: Is this in itself a sign that maybe I should hang SO or at an even higher angle?

Different structures have different strengths and levels of conditioning. It’s normal to have to reduce the weight when you switch angles. Where exactly are you feeling the stress when you hang SO?

The fact that you feel more stress SO than SD may or may not mean anything in terms of potential gains. It depends on several factors. The first is whether the geometry of your anatomy will produce more length by stretching out than down. In other words, it depends on what tissues are actually limiting your length. You obviously want to stretch the limiting factors. The second is which tissues respond the best to traction. Maybe the weaker tissues will stretch more than the stronger ones, or maybe not. Maybe the stronger ones will stretch more but only by requiring more weight.

With your LOT of 7, I still recommend that you hang SD, or better still, BTC. Keep going for a couple of months or until gains stop. Then switch to SO.

Originally Posted by ziggaman
#4: My current method of hanging SO is: lying on my front, with my legs on my bed, my upper body on a chair with my head sticking out the back, so that my central torso and pelvis are suspended in mid-air, and the weights are hanging straight down towards the ground. Is their an easier way to hang SO?

I like the idea of using a pulley under your desk. Just make sure the weight doesn’t fall on your feet.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Another angle or three can be accomplished with a Bungee Cord. I anchor mine on the opposite side of a table and hook to my Bib while standing. This allows me the ability to not only stretch SO but I can twist my hips to one side or the other and get OTL stretches (over the leg). You can also get fulcrum stretches by pressing down with your thumb on the top of your shaft as well as placing it along one side your shaft near the pelvic and twisting the hips again. Hang weights from the Bungee and measure it’s length at any given weight to keep track of how much stress you putting on.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Good advise guys

:up: :up:

Thanks a lot guys.

Ram: Makes sense. :up: Thanks buddy.

Mem: I will have to study your reply in more detail when I have time; which will probably be later tonight, or tomorrow. Great stuff.

Monty: I do the same thing by looping my Wench (without weights obviously) to my bed knob, then either pulling straight back, or twisting to the side.

A couple more things for you hangers to mull over:

Have kept track of your weight/time/angle, routine progression?

Do you think it has produced optimum results?

In view of these factors, with the benefit of hindsight, what would you change about the way you approached hanging?

I know I would have started a little lower in weight and not progressed as fast as I did. Problem is we all get in a hurry and want results right away. The thing is that we’re not pulling taffy. Wish we were. Actually we are more so then we think it’s just the time factor that needs to be in the equation. If you get a big picture perspective then you realize that we really are pulling taffy but it takes a long long time :)

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by Monty530
we’re not pulling taffy. Wish we were.

If you get a big picture perspective then you realize that we really are pulling taffy but it takes a long long time :)

Who the hell is taffy?? Apart from some Welsh bloke?

Anyway, I know what you’re getting at. Patience is key.

I’m finding hanging a real bore, I’ve gotta level with you guys. Sitting in one place for at least an hour at a time.

I just don’t have that many sedentary tasks that need doing!!!

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Palpate your pubic bone as you pull your penis straight out. Does it feel like your penis is attached to the very top of your pubic bone, or lower down? Ignoring LOT for a moment, the most direct way to find out whether you have lig potential is to learn where on your pubic bone your penis is attached. If it’s attached high, you have lig potential; if it’s attached low, you probably don’t.

I have examined that area, and I am not sure how to judge whether I am attached high or low. How might I do this?

Where exactly are you feeling the stress when you hang SO?

Actually, I feel a lot of umcomfortable pressure on my glans when I hang SO. I can’t make the Wench any tighter, so I’m not sure what to do about that.

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