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Transportable heat source for hanging

Transportable heat source for hanging

Hey guys,
I’m going to start hanging, but as usual, I have a problem. I’m in college and I live in dorms. I don’t really have privacy so what I was thinking about doing is hanging in the mens bathroom at the college gym. The bathroom is huge, had like 25 stalls and it’s usually empty.

I’m so motivated to gain anything in length that I am ready to try hanging in the handicap stall which is bigger and has more privacy than my room or my bathroom.

Anyways, I had two questions:

1. Is there such thing as a heat source that is transportable? Something I can take with me to the stall so that I can warm up with b/f I hand and in b/w sets?

2. I know that I usually have some privacy late at night, like 12am or 1 am in the morning, cause my roommate sleeps at his girl’s house. Does it matter when you hang? The reason I ask is that I was thinking of hanging in the morning and using my penis master for the rest of the day and then hanging at night, when he’s not in the room.

Thanks for the help.


1. The only thing I can think of is a rice sock. Do you have a microwave oven?
There’s a new product out called Thermacare. They are small pads that heat up automatically from exposure to air. The heat lasts about 8 hours. I’ve never used one, but it seems like a great idea for sore muscles. It would be too expensive for PE use, they’re about $7 for 3 pads.

2. No, it does not matter what time of day you hang. It sounds like a good plan.

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At REI or similar outdoor stores you can find “shake and bake” chemical heaters, but a better bet is those plastic bags with a salt-crystal solution that you recharge in boiling water and then they retain the energy in a liquid state until you set them off and they emit heat for 15-45 min (depending on size and make) until they go crystalline again.

I had one for back pains years ago, really good. They used to come in smaller sizes also, like a cigarette pack. That should be the ticket, you can have a couple in your backpack or whereever. Use in sock - the surface can get real hot.

Best regards,


You can try an IR massager. An IR lamp wouldn’t be practical but the massager is portable, heats well and discreet enough to keep without having questions asked. Check out Walmart if interested.

Progress Tracking As of 01/01/05 : 6.5 BPEL x 5.25 G As of 04/08/05 : 6.75 BPEL x 5.25 G Short Term Goal : 7 BPEL Long Term Goal : When a trip to china and getting on the great wall means hopping on my member

Thanks for the replies. I’m going to check them both out.

So what did you find? Brand names, prices, stores, websites?

Please share the info!


Found some pretty good stuff. I’m probably going to order from one of these sites. They basically all have the same thing except beneforce which is more expense and supposedly has better quality. I contacted one of their sales reps and they said that their heat packs should last a life time and are made with better salt and other materials. I don’t think it makes a difference really because they all say that their heat packs last a life time.

On the other hand I might order a heat pack holder from beneforce which I can hopefully tie down onto my dick so I will have two free hands while hanging which sounds good. I don’t’ know if it will accommodate small circumferences such as mine but is supposedly says any size. I’m probably gonna order a couple of them today cause I just got notice that my bib starter is on it’s way.

Here are the sites:

The heatreliefdepot has the lowest prices but they only have one size. When I order today it will probably be from either nenforce or the wellnessenergy. I might order the pack from beneforece and the heat packs from wellnessenergy.

Let me know what you guys think.

This is pretty much made to order:

I just today bought a standard sodium acetate handwarmer from Fjaellraeven (a Swedish outdoor clothing company), round and about 4 inches acress. It says it’ll heat up to 50-54 C, but it seemed cooler than that. My old one got shit-hot, had to wrap it in a towel. It seems that all links (didn’t read yours in detail) refer to sodium acetate, I don’t know if that’s what was in my old one. Probably not, as 58 C is taken as new standard max heat from a hotwater tap to avoid scalding and my old one sure scalded. These sodium acetate ones list 50-57 C depending on make.

I’ve read that the sodium acetate ones will recharge properly about 50 times and then start loosing oomphh, that’s what happened to my old one. Most likely the "life time guarantee" is the same as that of that car parts store chain that I used to buy stuff from when I lived in the States - I asked them about their life time guarantee, whose life they meant and it all kind of boiled down to the life time of the product…

I had a look at and they also had the chemical use-once type with adhesive, for pasting it onto your back under your clothes! Those cant be cut in strips, unfortunately, or else one could paste a few strips along the shaft ;)

Did you check out the IR-alternatives?



Just updated and saw your post - have you tried it out? Seems neat!

The only problems with unique heat is that you can’t take it with you anywhere and the heat doesn’t last very long.


Used your heatpads yet? I’ve used mine a few times and it gets me nice and (nearly) toasty, but not scalding. Works fine for stealth-PE; I just shove it down my boxers and sit at my desk for a while, and then slip of to the mens for some stretching and MrOrange bends.


I put in an order for them, I’m awaiting on their arrival. On top of that I got a Ir heat lamp for the times that I have an hour or two to hang, I will use that. It’s good to know that they heat up well. I was afraid they wouldn’t get that warm. I’ll let you know how it goes.


I’m wondering about the heat as well. I tried heating the rice sock, but it stunk when heated(I think the rice is burnt inside), didn’t stay warm long enough usually, and it was really annoying to keep re-heating. I’m thinking of going back to the IR lamp, although Bib recommends the rice sock and not the lamp.

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