Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Had to speak up finally

Had to speak up finally

Hello Everyone, I have been here for awhile coming everyday and learning

so much about many subjects. I just wanted to tell you guys that taking a

couple month break durring a plateau really works and is worth it to see some

gains again. I started in like Novemer and have a routine of basically 90% hanging. I think I started at around 5.6 BPEL and gained about a half an inch

in my first two months and then it just stopped. I am really not sure about the BP though because if I put the ruler on the top it is a half an inch shorter

than measuring on the side so I just measure on the top because it seems more accurate. I took half of March April and half of May completely off somewhat due to loss of motivation, and then I read some posts about deconditioning so I decided to hit it hard again and the gains came really quick like in three weeks I saw a 1/8 inch and steady growth with super sore

ligs all the time. I am now at 6 1/2 in BPEL on top measurement and side BPEL measurement is 7 inches. I also gained some girth along the way because in my early days I did some squeezes and stuff but I still jelq a little bit. I started with a terrible 4.4 EG and am now 4.6 with a solid 5.1 at the base probably from all the hanging.

I wanted to ask you guys, my ligs have been extremely sore lately from hanging SD. But when I pull SD it dosent really hurt but when I pull it out away from me it really hurts and I can feel the soreness. Should I be haning SO a little bit to take advantage of the stretched ligs?

Thanks guys I feel like I know all of you from lurkin all of these months

>>”I took half of March April and half of May completely off somewhat due to loss of motivation, and then I read some posts about deconditioning so I decided to hit it hard again and the gains came really quick like in three weeks I saw a 1/8 inch and steady growth with super sore ligs all the time.”

Another deconditioning/layoff success story! The hardest thing is to do this strategically (in your case, it was because of waning motivation due to a plateau) - this is emotionally too difficult for many guys to do, so they keep plodding along - like I did - with little or no gains.

I saw a gain of 0.22” EL during my first 3 weeks back. If these layoffs are what it takes, then I’ll keep doing them. After all, I PE for gains, not because I simply enjoy it.

Also, it’s very common to have a side measurement 0.25-0.6” greater than the top measurement. I think it’s because of the complex of ligs atop the penis, not found on the sides. Stick with the top measurement, and gauge all your gains from that perspective.

Hey Crowbar, welcome to the forums!

Can you do me a favor and read the forum guidelines, especially the bit about style and language? Thanks bro. Happy gaining!

Congratulations. I have to do a search on these types of plateau breaks, just to see how a wide range of people react to this sort of break. I’m going to try to schedule my breaks during summer and christmas vacation, and maybe spring break too, because everbody knows that those are the love-making seasons for college students. :D

That’s great. A 1/8” to 1/4” gain within 3-6 weeks after a lengthy break seems to be common.

I wanted to ask you guys, my ligs have been extremely sore lately from hanging SD. But when I pull SD it dosent really hurt but when I pull it out away from me it really hurts and I can feel the soreness. Should I be haning SO a little bit to take advantage of the stretched ligs?

Maybe when you hang SD other tissues take most of the load at first, with the sore parts only getting hit after the primary supports have been temporarily lengthened.

The fatigued parts are obviously getting a good deal of work already. Instead of focusing on them more, it may be better to keep them mildly fatigued but shift more of your effort to positions that work other tissues.

For whatever it’s worth I will throw my support behind post-deconditioning “quick” gains.

It has worked for me. I’m a believer.


Is deconditioning an option for people jelqing and stretching, or is this more common/useful for those who are hanging?


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



It works for jelqers/stretchers too. Wadzilla has yet to hang but has seen the benefit of a de-conditioning break first hand (re-read his above post).

Thanks, Andrew. I’ll reread his post. I thought Wad had been hanging.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


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