Hang on just a minute
I am busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. Right now, I am behind on making hangers. I thought about shutting down the order page, but since it is going down at the end of the month, that would be stupid.
Guys have been ordering two, three, and even four hangers. I have turned these orders down. First, I want to get out one to everyone that wants one. Second, that is not what the hanger was supposed to be about. I don’t want guys spending a lot of money for PE. It would be different if they were giving them to friends or family members. Third, I don’t know if I could get them all made in a reasonable time.
So, what I will promise, is at some point in time, after the 30th, I will make more hangers. Maybe have an annual Bibhanger rendering festival and jamboree. Then, I could repair any that need repairing, and make a few to send out.
Bear with me on getting the hangers out. I will try and do it next day like I have always tried, but it may be two or three days. All of you that have ordered recently, they should go out on Monday or Tuesday. The guys that have ordered both models are ok. I am filling those.
The guys that are ordering multiple regular hangers, if you just have to have them, I will try and do them at a later time, after the 30th. The guys without a hanger come first.
Back to work. Any questions, I will try to get to them in good time. Please be patient.