Hanging 4-5 hrs a day exstreme bib style
Ok guys I’ve been hanging( with bib hanger) 4-5 hrs a day not counting 10 minute breaks between sets, so this is a total of 4-5 hrs a day of weight pulling on my dick. I do 1 hr 20 min. In the morning afternoon and before bed plus a exstra hr here or here a few times a week. I started on dec.20th and ill take my first measurement in mid july , so I can make a true evaluation on wether to continue or not with this time consuming program. I have’nt measured for the simple fact that if I had seen no gains I would have stopped this, so I’m giving it a true six months to show true shaft increase( not ligs, mine been maxed for yrs with the jes exstender type tool).
If I don’t make any lengh gains of at least 1/4 of a inch or more I most likley will go back to my girth routine and finish out my quest for 7 inches around from top to bottom!
I’m currently using 19 lbs and I increase about 1/2 lb 2x monthly.
I hang for a equal amount of time ots so and over each leg!
Last edited by cyberstud25 : 05-31-2004 at .