Thanks for the kind works Guys!
Almost 1 and 3/4 inches of my gains was from maunal exercises. Mostly jelqs with some stretching. Only the last 1/4 inch was from hanging.
I turned to hanging because I hit a plateau I could not bust through with manual exercises, even after an extended break (5 weeks). I did gain a quick 1/4 inch when I restarted, then hit a plateau again.
I generally aim to hang 4 sets of 20 minutes per day. I had just recently reached 10 lbs, but after reading the excellent posts by BBS in the “Hanging Fatigue” Thread I have dropped back to 8.85 pounds and I have to say, I feel more of a workout with 8.85 than with 10 pounds. I know it sounds crazy, but just as BBS said, I no longer feel then weight, just its effects after each set. It really is amazing.
Anyway, as I was saying, I aim for 4 sets, but don’t always achieve that. Some days I only manage 2, others 5. It depends on how I am feeling and how much time I have to work with.
I don’t take any days off unless I feel it necessary at the time. Generally its 7 days per week. I think I can manage that because of two reasons;
1. I’m still hanging only relatively light weights and;
2. I do drop my sets down to 2 per day on the weekend. I do this because I don’t want to overstress my dick due to my 7 day hanging schedule, and I want to make sure their is no possibility of any ED on “date night”:chuckle: Besides, there are other things to life than just PE and I love spending time with my family!!
As I said, I got into hanging because of my lack of progress, but hanging lets me multi-task so time is no longer a factor when it comes to a routine.
I simply set up, warm up, hang and then get on with business. At the end of each set, I take a break and then go again.
I was hanging early on SD or BTC, but have now switched to SO. My LOT is fairly low (7:00 - 7:30) and I get so much more done hanging SO as it is much more comfortable than sitting on the edge of my chair. I have still yet to see or come up with a really effective OTS set up that suits me. I guess I will sort something out sooner or later.
I am happy with my progress. 1/16 may not sound like much, but by the time I have been PEing for 1 year, I should be nudging 7.3 - 7.4 inches BPEL which would mean a total gain of 2.3-2.4 inches in a year. About the only person happier than me would be my wife!