Originally Posted by steamon
Hello to you allI’ve been doing PE for about 3 weeks now, and I tried hanging today. Boy it hurts.
Firstly the wrapping used how tight should it be? I had two attempts one tight which held 7kg and one not as tight (but not loose) which was pulled down to the glands where it stayed because the head was enlarged because of the jelqing effect of the wrapping.
One hang really pulled the skin around the pubic region, the other attempt which was looser pulled the whole penis, but hurt like hell. What should I do?
Both hangs left the head blueish this was why I stopped.
I want to persevere with this cause I’ve potential for good gains by hanging (8:30 tug back reflex test or what ever it’s called , I’ve got to be careful what I write this time after a seamen incident haha)
7kg/15.4 lbs <—- wow!?#$ I’m almost laughing, because you must be crazy.. this is way, way too much for a new hanger to do, especially someone that hasn’t hardly PE’d yet! The extreme pain should be your first indication something is seriously wrong. Remember that—macro tear = broken penis.
You should have read more before you tried hanging, This is at least THREE times what a new hanger should be trying. And you’ve only PE’d for three weeks. I recommend starting at only 2.5lbs or so, and once you’re sure that’s not hurting you at 3-4 sets per day, slowly increase it. Or, hang again in 2-3 months once you’ve had more PE experience.
Originally Posted by steamon
I know, I’m leaving hanging for 3 months to get that conditioning your talking about, and then when I do hang I’ll start small.
Thanks and I’ll heed the warning
Actually—it’s ok if you hang right way (this is only my personal opinion, not the opinion of this forum). BUT, it's only ok to do this if you start with really light weight (like I did).
Just start at really low weight like 2.5lbs. This is very unlikely to injure you. And you can slowly increase it from here, only do 1lb increments at most (you may need fishing weights, or whatever, but do NOT try to make big increases from this point).
I started hanging early & still got .75” in my first 3-4 months.