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Hanging question

Hanging question

Hey I have been hanging for almost 2 months now and am looking for a change of pace. I have been hanging SD the entire time, started with 5 pounds and was only able to handle about 5 min sets, to now where I can hang 8 pounds for a pretty easy 20 min. My question is how do I switch up the angles. I read about BTC or stretching down and to the left or the right how do I achieve those angles. Thanks for any responses much appreicated!


Check this out. I am glad you asked this question. I recalled reading about the "BTC Chair". I use a chair with a cutout in the front. I don’t think that I am getting a serious BTC angle yet. Too much skin burn even after a week at it. I plan to make one of these chairs.

Hanging Backpain



Have you made any length gains from what you’ve been doing? If so, have they stopped?


Get serious with the weight or forget hanging. You will realize little or no gains under 17# from Bibs experience as well as us mortals.

It really does vary— I’ve never been able to hang more than 7lbs and I’ve gained about 2”.

My routine for months now has been 3lbs for up to twelve sets a day, five days a week, and I have been — and still am — making steady and consistent gains.

Originally Posted by bud_do


Get serious with the weight or forget hanging. You will realize little or no gains under 17# from Bibs experience as well as us mortals.

Thats far from true, please don’t throw your opinion around as fact, you’ll put people off hanging.

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Well I haven’t measured and don’t plan to for a few more weeks. I notice gains but I don’t want to actual number to throw me off if its not as much as I accpected it to be. What I am noticing is that I am handling the weight better and for a longer amount of time. I am able to hold 8 pounds much easier then the prior month. Also I just implemented golf weights and I usually wear them the days I am not able to hang. I am going to take it slow, my gains haven’t stopped i assume so I guess I should just stick with what I am doing. Thanks for help.

Ya I think I have a strong tunica because when I 1st started, I took 5 pounds and thought it was too light.

I bumped it up to 8 pounds also, and it’s still a little light so I just hang for about 1.5-2 hours.

I need to go buy some more weights.

Edit: Btw, I’ve only been hanging/ADSing for about 2-3 weeks now

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