Originally Posted by thick17
I’ve been manually stretching for 4 weeks as hard as I possibly can.
Seriously, stop doing that.
Originally Posted by marinera
Out of curiosity, if you are having gains through manual stretching, why changing?
Second that question. I am a hanging fan; but, if manual is giving you gains don’t change anything.
Figure 3 hours invested in hanging equates to 2 actual hours with weights hanging off of your dick. It is very important to not skip the unwrapping, massage/heat, re-wrap phase of your hanging routine. 5 days a week of that gives you 10 hours of hang time per week, which is where most guys start to really benefit. I understand that isn’t your schedule but it should give you an idea of a workable hanging routine.
If you do go with hanging don’t use all the available time you have for it at first. Ease into things and learn how to do it safely. Some of hangings biggest gainers have hung for crazy amounts of time every week so I am not going to say that doesn’t work. But that is not how you want to start out.