Hanging routine question
I started hanging around 2 weeks ago using monkeybars Vac hanger.
The first week I hung maybe a total of 5 hrs at 5 lbs. The second week roughly 9 hours total. I feel slightly sore but not anything serious. I took 3 days off and measured last night at 7.5 EBP from 7.25 (maybe the ligs are looser allowing me to push into the penis more?). I’m not sure if this is accurate though, I’ll measure again next week and see what measurement I come up with.
My question is, should I increase to 7.5 lbs on my second month, then maintain that weight for a month before moving to 10 lbs? I’m aware of the problems with vacuum hanging and blisters at higher weight, I don’t want to condition my penis too quickly. Is this weight progression too slow/fast? Also what is a good tape to wrap with? I’m currently using some surgical tape which adheres far too strongly (painful to remove and leaves residue).