Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Help me please

Help me please

My English is bad and there are a lot of words in this forum that I can’t find in any dictionary, like : TUGBACK

and thats my question, because there’s always a discussion about it. I couldn’t find my LOT and so on.
Can somebody tell me in easy words what this has to mean? Is there anybody from Germany or Austria who understands that and can explain me?


Last edited by memento : 04-30-2004 at . Reason: Spell Checked

lost Guitar. Luckily we have a spell checking system here that can help with your english. The button is labelled Spell Check. That will help with things like plz, it won’t help with things like tugback.

Tugback is when your penis is pulled back inside your body as you kegel.

So if you kegel and your penis looks shorter, thats tugback.

With LOT you are looking for the angle at which your penis stops looking shorter. This is where your ligaments are taking the strain of the stretch.

I hope that helps.

Ich spreche nur ein wenig Deutsch aber wir haben einige Deutsche hier.

Tugback: Schlepper zurück?

Sorry my German isn’t great. We do have German members though.

Hopefully they will chime in.

If you haven’t had an answer in a few hours I’ll look into it further.

Hi lost guitar,

herzlich Willkommen bei Thunders!!

Bin hier selber zwar kein Experte, probier aber mal mein Bestes Dir deine Frage zu beantworten.

Tugback= wenn Du deien Penis dehnst (in die Länge ziehst), danach kegelst (guck einfach unter kegel nach), zieht er sich normalweise etwas zurueck. Das ist Tugback.

Probier die oben beschrieben Prozedur nun in verschieden Winkel, also senkrecht, halb senkrecht, wagerecht ,ganz nach unten etc. Der Winkel wo Du kein Tugback mehr fuehlst ist dein Lot. Ganz senkrecht ware 12 wagerecht 9 und nach unten 6 etc…

Hoffe alles war richtig, ansonsten werden die anderen Deutschen Dir sicherlich weiterhelfen. Frag nur soviel und sooft Du kannst, damit Du alles gut verstehst und richtig machst okay. Jeder von uns hat hier mal angefangen.

Viel Glueck und Gruss nach Oesterreich!

Noch was, erwarte keine Wunder. Das Gute an der PE Sache ist das sie funktioniert, das Schlechte es dauert meistens Zeit und viel Geduld um ans Ziel zu gelangen. Falls Du noch mehr Vokabelfragen hast, lass es mich wissen.
Guck Dir mal die Videos an. Findest Du unter Tutorials.

Machs gut!!

Thanks staypositive. Somehow, I think we have all been lifted a little higher today by your words.

Hinky dinky parlavue.


thanks to everybody! Vielen dank! :)

how long do i have to kegel after a set of hanging to see if there will be a tugback?


Well done mate!

Yet another example of what makes Thunder’s Place so great!

“Das ist Tugback” = That is Tugback. See my German is also excellent :)

>how long do i have to kegel after a set of hanging to see if there will be a tugback?<

Its not a length of time thing, its an angle thing for LOT and its better to do it before hanging.

Now you know what tugback is can you figure out your LOT?


I must be doing something wrong, because when I pull the Penis for some seconds out (at the special angles 6, 9, 12), then let it go, it is about 13cm long; then I kegel for about 1/2 minutes and it goes to 11,5cm —- and this at every angle! what I now my LOT ? :(

Addition: I realized that at 6 it takes much longer to go to 11,5, it stays very long at 12cm, I think this is my lot!

Last edited by lost Guitar : 05-01-2004 at .

Now I read a good lot guide, I missunderstood the whole theory and now I know that my lot is 6-7:00

So I have to focus on upper angles?

I’m glad you get it :)

A LOT of 6-7 means you probably have little to gain from the ligs, which means you need to focus on the tunica. Hanging above your LOT angle will encourage that.

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