Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hey Bib



>I used the handle of a fork to ‘shoe horn’ the mid-shaft skin under the top teeth. While that over-came the pinch, the fork handle was ‘vise gripped’ into the gel cushion as the Hanger was being tightened. So, that created a laceration in the cushion (on the left side. In the large padding that is right behind the glans.) <

“Shoe-horning” is probably not a good idea. You should be able to push the shaft down, as in the pinching thread, and then squeeze the head before tightening, if that is what you want to do.

>Anyway, I thought nothing of it at first. But the laceration kept creeping with each set. Last night I used I used a flexible, contact adhesive and sealant to glue the cushion to the Hanger itself (only the area under the laceration).<

Usually, if the gel tears, or continues a tear, it is because the hanger is not tight enough. Even with a small tear, the pressure from the hanger should hold everything in place and not allow any slippage which could tear the gel.

>While that sealant is very good and has worked well in other situations, I really don’t think it’s going to hold because the cushion moves a bit as the hanger is tightened.<

No, there is no type of adhesive, etc that will bond to the gel. If you find one, let me know.

>Anyway, I’m pretty sure I saw a thread where you were saying replacement cushions could be ordered. That may become a necessity, because I have a good fatigue and I want to keep pounding….. All of that having been said, how do I go about getting a new cushion? <

The gel, or soft plastic is molded to the hard plastic at 350 degrees. You will need to send it back in and let me remold it.

>But I am going to have to come up with a softer ‘shoe horn’ that won’t puncture the cushioning. Because, unless I grow a third hand, I won’t be able to use the techniques in the ‘Defeating’ thread. I use one hand to squeeze the glans to avoid pressure build-up. <

You push the shaft down, from either end of the hanger before you tighten. So, if you need to squeeze the head, just do it after pushing the shaft down. Then, quickly squeeze the hanger together with one hand while spinning the top wing nut with the other. Then, finish tightening the top wing nut.

>Or, I suppose as long as my wrap was padded enough, I could (in theory) take all the cushion out and just use the outer Hanger to hold the weight… <

You can try this before you send the hanger back for remolding. I used to use a hanger without the gel. The testers wanted the padding. You might try leaving the gel on the front of the hanger, or rather the very front thumbs.



I’ll toy with the no inner cushion (and/or some percentage variation there of) approach and see what I think.

But if I don’t like it, how would you like me to return send it?

I still have the original box. Pretty sure I don’t have the original packing material though. I could wrap it in something to prevent any breakage along with a note?


>But if I don’t like it, how would you like me to return send it?

I still have the original box. Pretty sure I don’t have the original packing material though. I could wrap it in something to prevent any breakage along with a note?<

Just cushion it as best you can. Send it to:
BH Ltd
PO Box 1291
Decatur, Tx. 76234

Please send a note with all relevant information.


>>Please send a note with all relevant information.<<

:up: Will do. I’m about to begin my experimentation to see what I think.

No no no how about them Panthers!!

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth


I join the ranks who have their settings down!!! (Actually, I had them down and had to re-adjust them due to a girth gain that I was not in pursuit of.) Anyway, I am rocking and rolling over here.

The BH is great. You’re the man. All that you recommend works as you prescribe. The problems that I was having were brought on myself. The head pressure was a factor because I just wasn’t conditioned to hang from the shaft at the time.

So I went to the unorthodox methods with the above results (I was also trying to avoid the necessary skin stretch). I could write a book but I know you’re busy, so I’ll spare you the blow-by-blow.

As for the present, I will be ordering some Theraband from you when I get a money order. The swimcap that I cut into strips, and am using as an outer wrap, breaks down after a while because of the lotion.

Now the question: How long after hanging before the ‘equipment’ should be capable of sex?

I have been hanging before bed. Or on days that I didn’t plan on any action, during the day. But now that I want to be hanging as much as possible, I’d like to know how long after hanging before I can get a nice, powerful, full erection? (Generally speaking,that is. It will probably vary from person to person, of course. Anyone else is free to chime in with their experiences of how long after hanging before the return of full, powerful erections.)


Thanks for the kind words. They mean a lot to me.

>How long after hanging before the ‘equipment’ should be capable of sex?<

That is a loaded question. The short answer is, I never failed to perform, even after a really tough hanging day. But sometimes, the sex was not as good as it could have been.

I would say within 4-5 hours, everything would be fine. If you know you are having sex on a given day, you can just reduce the intensity of your session, and there should be no problem.

It would be interesting to see what others say about this.


Yes, the fork is too sharp and cuts the gel like what happened….
You can always use your finger as a shoe horn. Just push down on the shaft with your index finger while you tighten the hanger with your other hand. This is what I do. Also, if the hanger is pinching too much or repeatedly you might need to let out the bottom gap a little.
I hang shorter sets as well……..

BTW, are you cut or uncut?

Hope this helps. Peace.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


>>Yes, the fork is too sharp and cuts the gel like what happened….<<

The fork handle was ‘vise’ gripped into the gel repeatedly, creating a laceration in the gel in the very first ‘tooth’ (the one right above the ‘thumbs’). I eventually had to have Bib re-mold it.

>>You can always use your finger as a shoe horn. Just push down on the shaft with your index finger while you tighten the hanger with your other hand. This is what I do. Also, if the hanger is pinching too much or repeatedly you might need to let out the bottom gap a little.<<

I do use my left thumb as a ‘shoe horn’. I did eventually realise that I had to open the bottom gap more. For some reason, that now obvious fact, escaped me at the time. I thought I would need and want the Hanger as tight as I could get it, to avoid slippage.

As you can read in the above, I was being pinched like hell and it was driving me out of my mind. So for those who are new to the BH, learn from my mistake. Don’t be afraid to open the bottom gap if you are being pinched unmercifully.

Like I said, it absolutely did not occur to me to open the bottom gap more, since I was concerned about slippage. That is until I got the hanger back from Bib, and two things happened:

1) My dick was beginning to feel heftier and heftier in my hand until I decided to take a girth measurement. I don’t track girth normally because I DO NOT JELQ AT ALL. I don’t do anything at all for girth since the theory is that extra girth could hinder length gains.

Anyway, I measured 6 1/8” with a semi. Up from right at 6” with a semi previously (I don’t try to get a girth measurement when fully erect since I don’t do anything that would actively be adding to it. So, when fully erect I am more concerned with getting an acurate length measurement. Also, I have a baseball bat shaped penis. It’s still baseball bat shaped, so the extra thickness isn’t additional base thickness from stretching and/or hanging? Figure that one out?!)

And (now) when fully erect, it feels like I have an actual baseball bat in my hand. Even though I am not in pursuit of girth, I must say that I am pretty impressed with the new look and feel of the new developments. I think it’s looking pretty Lex Steele-ish.

Yeah - they call me bigdaddy when they back that ass up. (Pardon me for the gushing /braggadocio. But where else, other than a place like this, am I going to say something like: Last night I measured 9 5/16” with a weak erection?) But I digress.

2) I pinched the hell out of myself after I get the Hanger back from Bib (to the point that it broke the skin and was bleeding). I thought Bib was able to re-mold while keeping the settings the same. Anyway, I didn’t feel that I could do any more stupid shit to the Hanger without testing Bib’s patience. So, I opened the bottom gap until I got it right.

I had to open it a decent amount, considering that I am a minmalist as far as my wrap thickness is concerned.

>>I hang shorter sets as well……..<<

Considering that I can, sometimes, be lazy ass hell, I get pretty antsy while hanging. So, shorter sets has as much to do with not having been conditioned for longer sets at that time, as just not being able to stay still longer.

<<BTW, are you cut or uncut?<<


>>Hope this helps. Peace.<<

Well, you certainly gave an effort. The fact that I still suffered has more to do with me having a tendency to take an alternate route. Some people have to learn the hard way, what can I say?

Now, let me ask you: How long does it take before you have raging, powerful erections after hanging to fatigue? As I said, I managed to measure 9 5/16” x 6 1/8 +” with a weak erection the other night, because of fatigue. Obviously that’s plenty to have sex with, but it was far from a powerful, maxed out erection.

Bib says 4-5 hours, what do you think?

It depends…..sometimes longer sometimes right away…..

Are those your starting stats? BP? Thats a pretty big starting size… much PE do you need, and what are you shooting for?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


Sorry to take so long to respond.

>>Are those your starting stats?<<

I was 9 1/4” at the time of my first post. I’m 33 now, but I wasn’t measuring prior to PE (like most adult males, I suspect). So I didn’t know my exact adult size. I tried a few PE methods before that measurement. But since I either wasn’t consistent or didn’t have a lot of experience with the method that I was using, I would rate my gains at little to nothing for my efforts at that time.

I tried pumping and I ran into some miscellaneous NPE info that I tried before I ended up here and took a measurement. I wasn’t an experienced pumper (only had a cheapie 12” adult bookstore model). And found NPE to be a pain in the ass, so I quit (thought it was time consuming and tiresome).

That’s when I decided to try pumping after finding a site on it (tried the pumping after finding NPE to be a pain). That site led me to another site. That lead me to PEforums. That lead me here.

I didn’t particularly like pumping, so after finding info on hanging with a swimcap, that’s the direction I went. I probably would have continued to pump but there is/was the question of whether the time spent in those workouts will be permanet gains. I couldn’t see spending all that time pumping for what could potentially only be temporary gains.

As I said, after learning about hanging, I decided to spend my time that way. I joined here to ask the legendary Bib, hanging guru extrordanaire, a question since I was having a problem with the swimcap method.

So when I measured 9 1/4” I can’t say if I gained from my sporadic efforts prior to joining. Or whether I was fatigued to the point that 9 1/4” wasn’t an accurate representation. I will say that I don’t think I was ever in a ‘groove’ until now (as my frustration earlier in this thread would indicate).

But I do know that I was 8” as a 13 year old. I know because my parents had a copy of the Joy of Sex, which was a study essentially, with a lot of pictures and statistics on size, etc. Plus I had seen skin mags and knew that I was already bigger than most adult males who took their clothes off for a living.


Yeah, but I have a vey unusual method of measuring. I BP right above my eyebrows, as I lean back as far as I can at the waist. This maximizes the length measurement.

I’m only f***ing around. I couldn’t resist a shot at the haters. I caught a little sh*t from a few when I posted that measurement. I was even the subject of catty comments and rumors in real life, during middle and high school from haters (because of being bigger). What can I say? Some men act stereotypically female when they are uptight about dick size.

But it’s to be understood. Dick size is one of the ways that men rank themselves against each other in the constant jostling for status/ alpha male position.

Anyway, I take a very conservative BP, squarely above my base.

>>Thats a pretty big starting size… much PE do you need, and what are you shooting for?<<

Ultimately, I suppose no one needs PE if they are long enough to deposit sperm in the vagina. But penis size is more than just that, as we all know.

I suppose my answere would be the equivalent of why a guy would try to keep putting pounds on his bench press, when he already has a 300 lb. max. In this case, since guys are trying to get where I already am, I have to do what’s necessary to keep the differential between us what it originated as.

I was just b.s.’ing around with some of that. But then again, maybe I wasn’t. :shrug:


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