Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hey Bib


Hey Bib

Since you’re from Texas I was planning on starting with HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!! But since they lost Sunday night, I’ll say that 7-3 is damn good after some 5 win seasons. And that’s with pretty much the same cast. Parcells is a hell of a coach.

Now to the hanging questions.

I got one of your original Hangers on 11/7 of this year. I think my wrap is good. I cut the infamous swimcap into 1 3/4” strips. And there is no darkening or coolness between sets.

My question is about head pressure and to a lesser, and inter-related degree, darkening during a set. I read that both should not be excessive.

But to a degree, it seems that they are unavoidable. Unless I’m doing something extremely wrong.

I start out with blood squeezed out of the glans. But I can’t go for more than 10 minutes before pressure makes a break necessary. Maybe it’s just a period of conditioning I have to go though. But like I said, I think that pressure and some darkening is not completely avoidable based on the grip of the Hanger, whatever the weight, and gravity.

Also since there is going to be some head pressure there is going to be head growth. Which, to a degree, is good, but I don’t want excessive head growth that will change the aesthetics of my penis. I’d like the ratio of head size-to-shaft length to stay the same.

So, I’m wondering what your thoughts and assessments are?

Also, I can’t send any pics of my set-up until i upgrade. But aside from all that, that’s some quality workmanship and thought process that went into the Hanger. :up:

Thanks Bib


>Since you’re from Texas I was planning on starting with HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!! But since they lost Sunday night, I’ll say that 7-3 is damn good after some 5 win seasons. And that’s with pretty much the same cast. Parcells is a hell of a coach.<

He surely appears to be. I watch them, but still have problems with Jerry Jones.

>And there is no darkening or coolness between sets. <

OK, how about while wrapped and the hanger tightened? The wrap has to be loose enough so that when you tighten the hanger, it still allows for circulation.

>But to a degree, it seems that they are unavoidable. Unless I’m doing something extremely wrong.<

At a certain weight, and time frame, they are unavoidable for the majority of guys. That is why sets are limited to ten minutes, and you should work up very slowly in weight. The soft tissues of the penis can simply not adapt that quickly.

>I start out with blood squeezed out of the glans. But I can’t go for more than 10 minutes before pressure makes a break necessary. <

That is not unusual for a guy just starting out. I would say most guys are limited to 10-15 minute sets. If it is solely due to head pressure, then you should find a technique that gets more blood out of the head before applying the weight. If blood is still flowing into the head with the weight already applied, then it is simply not enough weight yet. But do not increase your amount of weight hung simply to get around this problem. Go up slowly.

>Maybe it’s just a period of conditioning I have to go though. But like I said, I think that pressure and some darkening is not completely avoidable based on the grip of the Hanger, whatever the weight, and gravity. <

You are correct on both points.

>Also since there is going to be some head pressure there is going to be head growth. Which, to a degree, is good, but I don’t want excessive head growth that will change the aesthetics of my penis. I’d like the ratio of head size-to-shaft length to stay the same. <

In order to get any head growth, you would have to supply a lot of blood for the weight to work on. I surely hope your head is not engorged while hanging?

You need to work on limiting the amount of blood in the head as much as possible. You did not say how much weight you are attempting to hang, but as this goes up, it will counteract the ‘head filling while hanging’ event.

You simply have to work on the wrap and hanger combo cutting off the return flow of blood from the head.


Bib! Season’s greetings my friend.

It seems as though I must seek you out for your vast amount of hanging knowledge and experience, yet again.

I have overcome the head pressure issues. My current issue is that my coronal ridge gets pinched.

Here’s the pertinent facts:

The wrap forms a small ‘V’ where the Hanger’s top ‘teeth’ come together. And as the Hanger and the weight rest on the ‘shoulders’, the coronal ridge in the very center of my penis rests in that groove/ ‘V’.

That creates two problems. First, it pinches like hell, which makes me want to end a set based on pinching as opposed to fatigue. Second, there is a small amount of scar tissue beginning to form where the tissue rests in the ‘V’.

About my wrap:

As I said in the original post in this thread, I use a swimcap cut into strips. But that’s it. I can’t use an under-wrap. The weave of the fabric ‘bites’ into my skin in the worst way once the weight is hung.

I tried a sweat sock cut into strips, first. Then cut-up an expensive pair of biker shorts, since I thought the weave of the material was fine enough to not be a problem. Didn’t work. Maybe my penile skin is extra-sensitive? But anyway, I gave up on an under-wrap.

I think an under-wrap might create barrier between the coronal ridge and the ‘V’, but my sensitive skin just won’t allow it.

I created a small pad to fit over the ‘V’. It’s the size of a postage stamp, made of sweat sock, sewn between swimcap and biker short material (swimcap material next to skin).

Well, it worked. The very center of the coronal ridge can’t rest in the ‘V’ anymore. But then the pinch was on the right side of the ridge, between the pad and a groove/’V’ where the ‘teeth’ of the Hanger rise from the ‘lateral compression’ sides of the Hanger.

I made the same type of ‘pad’ (same materials) that would wrap around 3/4’s of the problem area (with the under-side of the penis un-padded, since pinching has not yet been a problem there. And also, only 3/4 coverage will prevent excessive wrap thickness.)

I haven’t used it yet (still a little unsure how I want to wrap it. With the stamp-size pad, I would just wrap as normal then stick the pad in the necessary area. I don’t think I can put the bigger pad in after I am wrapped. So, while I think it might work, I’m just not sure how I want to attack using it.)

This is the first time I have visited the site since the ‘incident’. So, I have no idea if anyone else is having a similar type of problem? But pre-‘incident’, I don’t remember reading about a similar type of concern. And since there are others who don’t use an under-wrap, who haven’t mentioned the ‘V’ pinching, leaves the swimcap material-wrap as the potential culprit.

But if the ‘V’ pinching is a common, but all-be-it rare phenomenon, I figured I’d ask to avoid unnecessarily ‘re-inventing the wheel’, and pursuing a solution when a tried and true method already exists.

So, I submit this to you to see what your thoughts are.

In closing, you already know about my great respect for your massive amount of hanging knowledge, but my respect only grows as I think about the amount of patience you have to trouble-shoot all the hanging related problems that are run past you?! ‘You da man’, Bib. Much respect, and thanks for your time.

Last edited by anonymous07128 : 12-28-2003 at .

When tightening, insert your pinky finger under the teeth and push down on your shaft. Begin to tighten. The goal is to get the hanger tightened/closed before your shaft “rises” in the shaft well contacting the underside of the teeth. If you are successful in doing this, you won’t have any problems….. Also, don’t be afraid to toe out.

Remember, when tightening press down hard on your shaft to prevent the shaft from rising before you reach optimal tightness of the hanger. This is key and must occur by any means necessary.

Once again: shaft must not touch top underside of hanger before hanger is fully closed.

Trust me, after months of toiling, I’m getting it right…..Hope this helps.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


What bbs said sounds good.

Also, I don’t think you have exhausted your selection of wraps to solve the problem.

I believe I understand what you are saying, and it appears you do not have a solid enough wrapped bundle when the hanger is attached. The wrap should ‘bridge’ the V in front of the hanger, but be elastic enough to give when tightening the hanger and also when applying the weight. You may need something a little more substantial like sweat shirt material. It is very soft and would be hard pressed to affect the skin. Overwrap with your swim cap material and see what happens.

You will be amazed at what different materials feel like.



Welcome back. I was more or less doing what bbs suggested. But I gave it an extra effort since I was having a problem and since bbs has more experience with the BH.

I was still using the swimcap-wrap only. And that portion of the coronal ridge that always seems to rest in the ‘V’, was INFLAMED the next day. That was 12/29 and was the last time I used the BH. I decided to wait until you weighed in with your views.

As far as your advice to try sweatshirt material: Sweatshirt material and sweatsock material are pretty much the same. But I was using the ‘outside’ of the sock against the skin. I’ll use the ‘inside’ of the sock against the skin and see if there is a difference. If not, I’ll dig out an old sweatshirt and take some scissors to it.

I was thinking about wrapping the outside of the swimcap-wrap with the biker short material, since the latex of the swimcap and the gel cushion of the BH sort of bond when the BH is tightened. The thought was that the biker short material would prevent the ‘V’, by preventing the bond.

But as I type, this I see the potential flaw. If biker short material prevents the bond, then the BH would potentially just slide right off. So , glad your back. It prevents a lot of unnecessary, frustrating trial and error. In your absence, freshmen hangers were rudderless without your guidance.

I’ll give the sweatshirt a shot. I need to let gravity perform the labor in my length pursuits. I was doing manuals when I couldn’t get the BH exactly right.

But I need a break!!! The muscles in my upper back feel like I could do upright-rows with a small SUV…for an endurance set of 50!

But enough about me. Welcome back, your advice was missed.


>As far as your advice to try sweatshirt material: Sweatshirt material and sweatsock material are pretty much the same. But I was using the ‘outside’ of the sock against the skin. I’ll use the ‘inside’ of the sock against the skin and see if there is a difference. If not, I’ll dig out an old sweatshirt and take some scissors to it. <

One of the first cloth materials I tried was tube sock material. I could never remotely get it to work. The SS material is just really soft, and somewhat elastic. But do not put it on very tight at all.

>I was thinking about wrapping the outside of the swimcap-wrap with the biker short material, since the latex of the swimcap and the gel cushion of the BH sort of bond when the BH is tightened. The thought was that the biker short material would prevent the ‘V’, by preventing the bond.

But as I type, this I see the potential flaw. If biker short material prevents the bond, then the BH would potentially just slide right off. So , glad your back. It prevents a lot of unnecessary, frustrating trial and error. In your absence, freshmen hangers were rudderless without your guidance. <

Do not even worry about the hanger bonding with anything. That misses the compression point entirely. You want the hanger to be tight enough that it grips the internal penis. You should even be able to put oil between the hanger and wrap, and the hanger still grip without sliding.


The latest in the ‘Hey Bib’, anonymous’ question series:

I’m cutting a sweatshirt now, and when I get back after running some errands I’ll ‘test drive’ it.

But, the question: I just visited the BH site, and in the wrap demonstration pics, I noticed that the model was only using an under-wrap type wrap (no latex or Theraband type over-wrap).

So, is a latex or Theraband type over-wrap necessary?


>So, is a latex or Theraband type over-wrap necessary?<

It is simply personal preference. Guys use many different types of material, some use one layer, others use a couple layers. That is why I always recommend that you try many things. It truly is amazing the difference a small change can make in comfort.

All I can recommend is that the material be soft and elastic, and not too bulky. You want a solid wrap to attach to, but loose enough to allow for circulation.



Are you following the 1 inch rule? ie: that the hanger is attached one inch behind the head? Move it back slightly and try it. At some point you will be “too far back” and the pressure will be too high on skin.

A great method of removing the blood from the high prior to attaching the hanger is to grasp the wrapping and pull it towards the head like you are trying to pull it off. Then squeeze the head. It does a MUCH better job of deflating the glans.

Other factors in head pressure (for me) are wrapping tightness and hanger tightness (tighten down till its a little uncomfortable, wait a minutes (with rice sock applied) and tighten more. I also think eliminateing jelqing and ulis helped.

You can get by being “sloppy” at up to around 10 pounds, but to get to 17 pounds of hanging weight you gotta be right and consistent!


I was following the 1” rule. But that’s when I was having the pressure issues.

Then I read a post where Bib said that sometimes he pulled the head out, sometimes not. That it was more or less what was comfortable at the time. By experimenting with not pulling the head out, and squeezing it really good, there were no more pressure issues.

But now there are pinching issues. And you’re right about not being able to get by with an insufficient wrap with more weight. At 10lbs, I can more or less get by. But when I put on an extra 2.5lb plate, no go. Every time that happens, I wonder how Bib ever got to 45lbs.

I’m just going to have to set my mind to just experimenting and trial and error. Because: last night I tried the ss wrap. It ‘bit’ into the skin a bit (I was pissed). But I saturated the ss with lotion and rode it out because I figured it was my last resort.

I had to open the bottom wing-nuts a bit since the ss was a little thicker than the latex-wrap. That and the ss put an end to the coronal ridge pinch. But then I was being pinched like hell at mid-shaft by the top teeth.

I was…ahhh…a little pissed.

I’m a little ‘down in the mouth’ right now. My hanging just ends in frustration and no fatigue. I set aside time to hang, and hours later it ends in fits and starts, trail and error, painful pinching….and no fatigue.

I’m not a very happy PE’er right now. I’ve gone 2 mos with no gain. I can’t get the BH right. I have been doing manual stretching (with, as I said, no gain as of yet). It seems that manual stretching has been a better upper body workout than penis workout.

My upper body feels so powerful…I feel like I could clean and jerk an apartment building. And the only upper body exercises I have been doing lately have been manual stretching (which, incidentally, is like isometrics with resistance).

I know that this is getting a little lengthy and a little off topic, but I’m in need of a little in need of cathartic purging:

Part of the problem is that I am, by nature, a little impatient. Although, I’m not as impatient as I was when I was younger. So I have a tendency to just want to jump right in and ‘get going’, and that is not serving me well with the BH, which takes a real concerted effort to get just right.

My personality tendency makes me want to bang, and bang away hard with it and be fatigued when I’m finished. And I finish defeated and frustrated. Which, with my personality, just fuckin’ drives me up a goddamn wall.

See, I have been a guy who has always gotten out of my body, what I have asked of it.

* When I was playing basketball, even though I am not a full 6’, I could dunk.

* When I weight trained, I went on a power routine and quickly had a 300lb bench press.

* I worked out for size and and got up to 209lb (body weight).

* I can do a split.

* I was into boxing. My natural speed and quickness made me good.

* I got into calisthenics and could do extremely high rep sets: Handstand push-ups - 30 rep sets. Push-ups ( with feet elevated) - 120+ reps. Pull-ups/ chin-ups - 15 rep sets (all the way down, all the way up).

* Jogging, etc, etc.

My point is, I always have faith in my body to do pretty much whatever I ask/ demand of it. So, I am confident in my ability to achieve my PE goals. I have a track record of success as far as my body doing what I ask of it. I’m not saying this to be arrogant. These are just facts. My genes and my ability to achieve a physical goal, make me think that PE won’t be an obstacle.

All of that having been said, being defeated by pinching, is pissing me off. I set aside time to hang and it just ends in frustration, with no productivity. I want to go in and ‘go hard’. But it just ends with pinching that pisses me off.

I was so short patienced recently that I hung with a spare swimcap. I used it for 2hrs total and had good fatigue. The irony is that I got a BH because the swimcap has a tendency to pinch if it’s not wrapped just right.

I’m not trashing Bib’s product. I know that, in the end, it’s my fault because of my personality tendencies. I want to just ‘blast’ with it, when I should be EXPERIMENTING with it to find the comfort zone.

But, my personality/ impatience makes me look at ‘experimenting’ as time waisted as opposed to putting ‘bricks in the wall’ toward the goal. I know that getting the BH right is effectively working toward the goal. I just have to commit to experimenting to find the right methods.

I’ve been able to overcome some obstacles to past goals with good genes and a hell of an effort. So, I guess you can see how being defeated by pinching is driving me insane.

All that was sort of out of nowhere, but I needed to purge my frustrations.


You have a couple problems. First, and probably most important, is that hanging is passive PE, not active. You need to relax, lay back and let the weight do the work. You seem to be rather tense.

Second, one thing that you said struck me: “I had to open the bottom wing-nuts a bit since the ss was a little thicker than the latex-wrap. That and the ss put an end to the coronal ridge pinch. But then I was being pinched like hell at mid-shaft by the top teeth.<

You do not simply open the bottom win-nuts. You have to let out the inner hex nuts, and then tighten the wing nuts back snugly. The wing nuts MUST be tightened snugly. If you are being pinched mid shaft, then you need the hex nuts run out even more. Are you adjusting the inner hex nuts?

>I’m just going to have to set my mind to just experimenting and trial and error. Because: last night I tried the ss wrap. It ‘bit’ into the skin a bit (I was pissed). But I saturated the ss with lotion and rode it out because I figured it was my last resort. <

If the SS material was biting into the skin, you might have used too much, or overlapped it wrong when wrapping. That was an issue for me when hanging. I had to cut the SS material fairly straight, and then be fairly precise when wrapping to have a uniform tube when finished. IOW, as you spiral down, you essentially want two layers of SS wrap from the one piece of cloth. The first turn is overlapped by the second turn, etc. If your spirals are too tight, you can have three layers, followed by two, etc.

Theraband, being much thinner, is not quite so demanding. Your spirals can be much closer together if you choose.



>>You seem to be rather tense.<<

I’m cool now. I’m a glass half-full, optomistic kind of guy. The fact is, the world isn’t a half-full place. And when situations force me into disillusionment, I can get a little worked up. As you saw in the post above.

>>You do not simply open the bottom win-nuts. You have to let out the inner hex nuts, and then tighten the wing nuts back snugly. The wing nuts MUST be tightened snugly. If you are being pinched mid shaft, then you need the hex nuts run out even more. Are you adjusting the inner hex nuts?<<

Yes, I’m adjusting the inner nuts as well. As far as loosening the nuts more since I am being pinched mid-shaft: I can tighten until the teeth are about half meshed. If I loosen the nuts more, the Hanger wouldn’t be tight enough ( I think).

I am not being pinched in the internal structures, it’s the skin on top of the shaft. The top teeth pinch the mid-shaft skin sort of like you would grab a puppy by the scruff of his neck. That happened through the latex-wrap and now throught the ss-wrap (to my dismay).

As a matter of fact, if we can solve the mid-shaft skin pinch, I can get down to business and get a good workout. Because the coronal ridge pinch was taken care of with the ss-wrap. The last obstacle is the mid-shaft skin pinch.

>>If the SS material was biting into the skin<<

I think my foreskin might be a little more sensitive than average. The problem was pretty much solved when I saturated the ss with lotion. And after I become conditioned to it, it probably won’t be a problem at all.


Good example with the puppy and scruff of the neck thing. Usually, this is one of two things: You either need to tighten up your wrap A LITTLE BIT, or let out the hex nuts a little. Even a quarter turn of the front or back hex nut can make a big difference.

For this, you can just put the hanger on, see if it pinches, then take it off, let out the hex nuts a quarter turn or so, then try again. Within a few minutes, you should have the correct distance.


Ok. Good news!!!

I have been effectively hanging with the BH. Six, ten minute sets a day. I’m fatigued.

And with my background of working out, flexibility training (doing a split), and even wearing braces, I know the sensation of tissues on the move. My situation would allow me to hang all day. But, my foreskin is not yet conditioned to hang longer than six sets just yet.

Now the not so good news.

Before the ‘Defeating the Bib pinch’ thread, I employed my own solution. While my solution worked great as far as over-coming the mid-shaft skin pinch, the solution’s effect on the Hanger wasn’t good.

I used the handle of a fork to ‘shoe horn’ the mid-shaft skin under the top teeth. While that over-came the pinch, the fork handle was ‘vise gripped’ into the gel cushion as the Hanger was being tightened. So, that created a laceration in the cushion (on the left side. In the large padding that is right behind the glans.)

Anyway, I thought nothing of it at first. But the laceration kept creeping with each set. Last night I used I used a flexible, contact adhesive and sealant to glue the cushion to the Hanger itself (only the area under the laceration).

While that sealant is very good and has worked well in other situations, I really don’t think it’s going to hold because the cushion moves a bit as the hanger is tightened.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure I saw a thread where you were saying replacement cushions could be ordered. That may become a necessity, because I have a good fatigue and I want to keep pounding.

But I am going to have to come up with a softer ‘shoe horn’ that won’t puncture the cushioning. Because, unless I grow a third hand, I won’t be able to use the techniques in the ‘Defeating’ thread. I use one hand to squeeze the glans to avoid pressure build-up.

All of that having been said, how do I go about getting a new cushion?

Or, I suppose as long as my wrap was padded enough, I could (in theory) take all the cushion out and just use the outer Hanger to hold the weight…

Anyway, I’ll wait to see what your thoughts are. I’m sure that the myriad of problems that come through the Hanger’s Forum has got to be a pain in the ass at times. And if not, you’ve got to be a saint!

Thanks Bib.

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