Originally Posted by Marcus j
Well I can hang 10 lbs. From 5 to 8 minutes with no pain. Just started with the 10lbs. I hung 7 1/2 for 20 minutes with no pain. So I worked my way up. I am concerned about sensitivity. What I would like suggestions on are a routine that is safe and cautious but still effective from successful vacuum hanger users. As far as how many days on how many off and how to work up your minutes.
Here is what I know and practice with good results.
1) Take the time available you can hang daily and consistently. (ex.- I have 120 minutes a day to hang in privacy.)
2) Take a given weight and hang this for the alloted time, this should be a weight that is comfortable but gives a good stretch.
3) Hang this weight, preferebly 7 day/week until some soreness and fatigue becomes present.
4) You’ve made it to the zone, you know that work is being done and you don’t have to guess.
5) Carry on with this weight until you cannot complete a twenty minute set comfortably.
6) This is the good part, when you can only do 10 minute sets, drop some weight and bring them back up to twenty.
7) Use this new weight until the soreness and fatigue dissapate.
8) Add a little weight throughout your sets until the F/S are present again.
9) Stay extended whenever possible. (ADS,etc.)
10) Days off while hanging for gains do no good, unless of course you’ve mis-stepped and injured the skin,etc.
You mention pain a lot, that worries me. What made you want to go up to 10 pounds, just curious?
Originally Posted by John
How much weight?
Currently, 15-18 lbs. with the BiB Hardcore, 10 lbs. with the Vac. Two hours a day,7 days a week.